
cheerful是什么意思 cheerful在线翻译 cheerful什么意思 cheerful的意思 cheerful的翻译 cheerful的解释 cheerful的发音 cheerful的同义词

cheerful [ˈtʃɪəfl]  [ˈtʃɪrfl] 

cheerful 基本解释

形容词令人愉快的; 欢乐的,高兴的

cheerful 相关例句


1. He is cheerful in spite of his illness.

2. This is a cheerful, sunny room.

3. My little brother is a very cheerful helper.

4. She is a smiling, cheerful girl.

cheerful 网络解释

1. cheerful在线翻译

1. 快乐:仁和闪亮滴眼露作为眼睛护理类产品的明星品牌,直接针对学生和年轻白领一族,因此自上市以来赢得了众多年轻粉丝的青睐此外,仁和闪亮还倡导个性(characteristic)、快乐(cheerful)、创意(creative)的3C品牌理念,将产品、人群和娱乐三者紧密地结合起来,

2. 愉快:面试时我会留意应征者是否和蔼可亲、活泼 ( pleasant ) 及令人愉快 ( cheerful ),以及对答时能否给人舒服的感觉,因为市场推广人员要接触的人很多,包括公司同事、不同的制造商、供货商及顾客,所以沟通及表达技巧,以至个人的性格都很重要.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 快:面试时我会留意应征者是否和蔼可亲、活泼 ( pleasant ) 及令人愉快 ( cheerful ),以及对答时能否给人舒服的感觉,因为市场推广人员要接触的人很多,包括公司同事、不同的制造商、供货商及顾客,所以沟通及表达技巧,以至个人的性格都很重要.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 愉悦的:近年来,宜兰县政府除了积极引进3C数位科技产业,也致力於推动4C文化创意产业,希望打造文化的(Cultural)、精选的(Collective)、愉悦的(Cheerful)、创意的(Creative)宜兰县,成立「宜兰县文化创意中心」,就是县政府启动宜兰文创产业的第一步.

cheerful 词典解释

1. 欢快的;高兴的;兴高采烈的
    Someone who is cheerful is happy and shows this in their behaviour.

    e.g. They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds...
    e.g. Jack sounded quite cheerful about the idea.

'We've come with good news,' Pat said cheerfully...
She greeted him cheerfully.
I remember this extraordinary man with particular affection for his unfailing cheerfulness.

2. 令人愉快的;令人开心的
    Something that is cheerful is pleasant and makes you feel happy.

    e.g. The nursery is bright and cheerful, with plenty of toys.

3. 乐观的;开朗的;满不在乎的
    If you describe someone's attitude as cheerful, you mean they are not worried about something, and you think that they should be.

    e.g. There is little evidence to support many of Mr Will's cheerful assumptions.

...cheerfully ignoring medical advice which could have prolonged his life.

cheerful 单语例句

1. Robinson said Chalk Hill School has been transformed into a cheerful place for the surviving students to resume normal school routines.

2. Behind the door, the happy laughter and cheerful chatter of a family of three generations ring out.

3. Lots of activities suit the cheerful season, let's check out.

4. " I was too weak, " says Wang in his cheerful voice.

5. Shopaholics hunting for souvenirs can find anything from ornate silver Miao headgear to cheerful straw figures in the stores and kiosks surrounding the octagonal pavilion.

6. A specially made clock with four faces showing the time in four major cities around the world welcomes guests with its cheerful ticking sound.

7. If a higher GDP cannot be reflected in these things, why don't we just fill in whatever number we desire and be cheerful about it?

8. The cheerful farewell party came to an emotional moment as a song named " Don't go my friends " brought the atmosphere to a high tide.

9. The collection is full of colors, telling men they also need to be inspiring and cheerful during a bluesy winter.

10. The molten chocolate cake with liquid chocolate flowing out from the center was a cheerful, warming winner worth going back to.

cheerful 英英释义


1. being full of or promoting cheer
    having or showing good spirits

    e.g. her cheerful nature
           a cheerful greeting
           a cheerful room
           as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be

2. pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic

    Synonym: pollyannaishupbeat

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