
chevron是什么意思 chevron在线翻译 chevron什么意思 chevron的意思 chevron的翻译 chevron的解释 chevron的发音 chevron的同义词 chevron的反义词

chevron [ˈʃevrən]  [ˈʃɛvrən] 


chevron 基本解释

名词臂章(军人佩戴以示军衔和军兵种的); [纹章学]人字形图记; 波浪饰

chevron 网络解释

1. 人字纹:WATERMAN 都会金棕( Urban Brown) 及月光银( Urban Silver ) 系列代表著前卫都会现代化的笔款,铬钢笔尖、高亮度棕色珐琅漆 / 冰河银绿色珐琅烤漆搭配笔杆纹路使用人字纹 (Chevron),结合现代绘图艺术的美感并展现出如雪茄般造型

2. 雪佛龙公司:1936年,世界两大石油公司[[雪佛龙公司]](Chevron)和[[德士古公司]](Texaco)组成[[战略联盟]],成立了加德士石油公司(Caltex Petroleum Corp.). 利用两家公司分别在勘探、炼油等上游业务和市场网络方面的优势,专门发展美洲及欧洲以外的市场.

3. 雪佛龙石油公司:2010年4月9日从加拉加斯发来的消息,雪佛龙石油公司(Chevron)得到委内瑞拉政府的批准,开采委内瑞拉海上油田. 这对于雪佛龙公司(Chevron)发展而言是巨大的推动力. 委内瑞拉官方公报9日刊登了一条法令,

chevron 词典解释

1. V形;V形图案
    A chevron is a V shape.

    e.g. The chevron or arrow road sign indicates a sharp bend to the left or right.

2. (标明军衔或警衔的)V形臂章
    A chevron is one of a number of V shapes worn on the sleeve by someone in the armed forces or in the police force to show their rank.

    e.g. He wore shoulderstrap rank slides with sergeant's chevrons.

chevron 单语例句


1. The vast majority of shareholders elected to accept payment from Chevron of 69 dollars in cash for their Unocal shares.

2. The rest wanted payment exclusively in Chevron stock, or a mixture of cash and stock.

3. I know I have two more events prior to the Chevron event.

4. Chevron said oil from the recent seep contained no drilling " mud ", suggesting it is not a residual spill or a new complication of the November spill.

5. Chevron and the CNPC plan to build two sour gas plants with a throughput capacity of 740 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.

6. Unocal said it would evaluate the CNOOC offer but made it clear that its board would stick by a recommendation on a deal with Chevron.

7. Three decades of devoted service allowed the ambitious man to become the company's CEO in 2001 before its merger with Chevron.

8. Royal Dutch Shell PLC and Chevron said they would evacuate nonessential personnel from deep water facilities but production would continue at normal levels.

9. The world's No 1 golfer posted a statement on his website saying unspecified injuries prevented him from playing in the Chevron World Challenge.

10. SAN FRANCISCO - Oil companies are continuing to post strong results, with Chevron Corp and Total SA the latest to post sharp increases in profits.

chevron 英英释义


1. an inverted V-shaped charge

2. V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service

    e.g. they earned their stripes in Kuwait

    Synonym: stripestripesgrade insignia

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