
chic是什么意思 chic在线翻译 chic什么意思 chic的意思 chic的翻译 chic的解释 chic的发音 chic的同义词 chic的反义词 chic的例句 chic的相关词组

chic [ʃi:k]  [ʃik] 

chic 基本解释

形容词别致的; <法>漂亮的,时髦的,潇洒的


chic 网络解释

1. chic的意思

1. 时尚:ecochic 环保原棉内衣系列,融合大自然(eco)与时尚(chic)的元素,采用天然环保制程,保留原棉的天然色调,无染色、无漂白、无添加. 最新一季还加推 home wear 系列及环保袋,有机棉毛巾,有机棉袜等,由内到外都可以享受健康无添加的绿色生活!

2. 时髦的,流行的:CHEMISE 宽松服装 | CHIC 时髦的,流行的 | CIRCULAR KNIT 圆筒针织布

chic 词典解释

1. 时髦的;别致的
    Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated.

    e.g. Her gown was very French and very chic.

2. 时尚;雅致;别致
    Chic is used to refer to a particular style or to the quality of being chic.

    e.g. ...French designer chic...
    e.g. He radiates charm and chic.

chic 单语例句

1. At CHIC, participants are making sales and also acquiring information on the fashion market and business management.

2. Young pioneers'red scarves and arm bands for the student cadre have become chic accessories.

3. Though this charity program has not yet officially launched for Chinese users, this little green symbol has proven popular among chic Chinese Windows Live Messenger users.

4. Several Flying Pigeons were exported to California where they were regarded as " proletarian chic ".

5. When it is considered chic to wear charms or read palms, those with no such inclination would be under huge peer pressure to " convert ".

6. After being greeted by doormen in grand Vietnamese costume it is a pleasant surprise to be in a room so chic yet so unobtrusive.

7. I wonder what the people who once danced and laughed here would think of the encroaching clubs and chic dining establishments nearby.

8. But as the league got younger and that line between sport and entertainment faded, players started looking more shabby than chic.

9. The many small shops here cover everything from jewelry and delicate handicrafts, to beauty salons and chic clothes imported from Europe and America.

10. There are several other objects that could catch anyone's fancy, like the chic ball grown dazzling with glittering mosaic cubes.

chic 英英释义


1. elegance by virtue of being fashionable

    Synonym: chicnesschichimodishnesssmartnessstylishnessswanklast word



1. elegant and stylish

    e.g. chic elegance
           a smart new dress
           a suit of voguish cut

    Synonym: smartvoguish

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