
chin是什么意思 chin在线翻译 chin什么意思 chin的意思 chin的翻译 chin的解释 chin的发音 chin的同义词 chin的反义词 chin的例句 chin的相关词组

chin [tʃɪn]  [tʃɪn] 


chin 基本解释

名词(尤指人的)颏,下巴; 聊天; 引体向上动作

动词用下巴夹住; 聊天; 作引体向上动作


chin 相关词组

1. take it on the chin : 输, 忍受责罚/痛苦;

2. keep one's chin up : 不气馁;

3. up to the chin : 直到下巴, 深陷;

4. have a chin : 闲谈;

5. stick one's chin out : 暴露自己, 冒风险;

6. wag one's chin : 唠叨;


chin 相关例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Chins are wagging.


1. We sat up all night chinning about college days.


1. She rested her chin on her hand.

2. chin什么意思

2. I had a little chin with Larry just now.

chin 网络解释

1. 钦邦:曼尼普尔直辖区、阿萨姆邦、特里普拉邦(Tripura)以及缅甸的钦邦(Chin)都遭到了鼠害的侵袭,而饥荒也正在向这些地方蔓延. 在曼尼普尔,楚拉昌普(Churachandpur)和达门龙(Tamenglong)是灾情最为严重的地区.

2. 镇元斋:安迪(ANDY),东丈(JOE)龍虎之拳队:坂崎良(RYO),罗伯特(ROBERT),坂崎琢磨(TAKUMA)怒队:莉安娜(LEONA),拉尔夫(RALF),克拉克(CLARK)超能力队:麻宫雅典娜(ATHENA),椎拳崇(KENSOU),镇元斋(CHIN)女性格斗家队:不知火舞(MAI),

3. chin:community health information network; 社区健康信息网

4. chin:canadian heritage information network; 加拿大文化资产网路

chin 词典解释

1. 颏;下巴
    Your chin is the part of your face that is below your mouth and above your neck.

    e.g. ...a double chin...
    e.g. He rubbed the gray stubble on his chin.

2. 坦然面对,欣然接受(令人不快或困难的局面)
    If you say that someone took something on the chin, you mean that they accepted an unpleasant or difficult situation bravely and without making a lot of fuss about it.


    e.g. When the police arrived he took it on the chin and apologised for the trouble he'd caused them.

chin 单语例句


1. Tsai Chin Zhou's lifelong interest in performing makes her still active on stage at the age of 75.

2. It seems inevitable that further government capital injections will be needed and banks will have to take some of the losses on the chin.

3. The debate was certainly a blow on the chin for the Democratic national campaign, but far from a fatal reversal.

4. Official Jess Kersey was KO'd with a split chin before halftime when a blocked shot bounced hard off the whistle still in his mouth.

5. The new proposal would only lift the ban for women who tie the headscarf under their chin in the traditional Turkish way.

6. Chin dismissed Stern's claims that statements implying he was homosexual were defamatory, although he acknowledged that gays and lesbians still suffered prejudice.

7. A Beijing woman who waited to meet her lover for four years stabbed him on the chin after he told her he was already married.

8. A Shanxi fan named Cao Lei later accused Marbury of hitting him in the head with a bottle and kicking his chin after he fell.

9. Hamm clenched her fists under her chin and looked to the sky with teary eyes after arriving behind the podium for the medal ceremony.

10. Chin said the university will make the workshop a study course bearing one credit for students commencing in September.

chin 英英释义


1. the protruding part of the lower jaw

    Synonym: mentum



1. raise oneself while hanging from one's hands until one's chin is level with the support bar

    Synonym: chin up

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