
chosen是什么意思 chosen在线翻译 chosen什么意思 chosen的意思 chosen的翻译 chosen的解释 chosen的发音 chosen的同义词 chosen的反义词 chosen的例句

chosen [ˈtʃəʊzn]  [ˈtʃoʊzn] 


chosen 基本解释

形容词挑选出来的,精选的; <宗>上帝所选的

动词选择; 选定; 挑选( choose的过去分词 ); 喜欢

chosen 网络解释

1. chosen

1. 选择:中新网洛杉矶5月13日消息:继约翰.弗兰肯海默(John Frankenheimer)为宝马(BMW)执导的第1部系列广告<<埋伏>>(Ambush)在网上播出后,由李安执导的第2部作品<<选择>>(Chosen),也在前两天于网上开播,李安8岁的小儿子在片中饰演小活佛.

2. 混沌战士:其他的混沌军团会由有重装甲保护的台靳特克混沌战士(Chosen)所带领. 让他们近身会是致命的, 而且他们有能力吸收并抵挡足够的伤害来拉近与远程攻击者的距离. 狂热者(Zealot)是一种类似半施法的职业,

chosen 词典解释


chosen 单语例句

1. Goodman Group is the third overseas company which CIC had chosen to invest in after buying stakes in Blackstone and Morgan Stanley since 2007.

2. Significantly these new countries have not been chosen by chance but rather for their impressive economic growth and marketing potential.

3. Financial leasing companies buy assets chosen by clients, who then lease the items.

4. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that any Syrian transition government " will be chosen by mutual consent and will exclude murderers ".

5. Chan's inclusion on the list was questioned by some bloggers in China, who wondered why she had been chosen and speculated that her wealth was the reason.

6. Erekat said the Fatah candidate will likely be chosen by the movement's small central committee and not in a primary.

7. The given name was usually chosen by the parents as a symbol of their blessings and hopes for the child.

8. The first to pass Tiananmen Square were the navy formed by personnel chosen from the northeast navy college and East China navy fleet.

9. Kuo expressed optimism about the KMT's grassroots consolidation of his candidacy following party mediation that settled the issue of who should be chosen to run.

10. Sunday's primary was effectively a nationwide opinion poll because parties had already chosen their candidates and voters could cast ballots for any party's candidate.

chosen 英英释义


1. an exclusive group of people

    e.g. one of the elect who have power inside the government

    Synonym: elect

2. one who is the object of choice
    who is given preference

    e.g. she was Mama's chosen

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