
chuck是什么意思 chuck在线翻译 chuck什么意思 chuck的意思 chuck的翻译 chuck的解释 chuck的发音 chuck的同义词 chuck的反义词 chuck的例句

chuck [tʃʌk]  [tʃʌk] 


chuck 基本解释

名词(牛)颈部到肩部的肉; 咕咕(呼鸡声),砸砸(呼马声); 抛出; 亲爱的

及物动词[机械工程]用卡盘夹紧; (口语)抛出,扔出; 咕咕(咯咯、嘟嘟)地叫; (美国)辞职


chuck 相关例句


1. chuck的反义词

1. He got fed up with his job and chucked it in.

2. I'm going to chuck out those old shoes.

3. chuck的近义词

3. Let's chuck all these old papers and magazines away!

chuck 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 卡盘:一种测量RDS(on)的典型方法是在卡盘(Chuck)和接触晶圆顶部的探针之间产生电流. 另一种方法是在晶圆的背面使用探针来代替卡盘. 这种方法可以精确到2.5mΩ. 有限元分析(FEA)软件可以用来为测量结构建模.

2. 夹头:勤堃机械成立于1978年,坐落与台湾台中县.专业生产高精度自动钻夹头(CHUCK)并创立了EVERMO...我公司是台湾原装三菱切脚机刀片在中国指定的唯一合法代理商,本产品采用GTi10超硬(PCB)钨钢加工而成,刀片从材料、加工工艺、品质的处理都...

3. chuck什么意思

3. 糊涂间谍天才蛋:后三部剧集的「死亡」在人们的预料之中,但<<爱情大挑战>>的「夭折」多少让人感到意外. NBC刚刚发布消息称,<<糊涂间谍天才蛋>>(Chuck)已获第四季续订,订数为13集. 喝彩吧~~

chuck 词典解释

1. (随意或胡乱地)丢,扔,抛
    When you chuck something somewhere, you throw it there in a casual or careless way.


    e.g. I took a great dislike to the clock, so I chucked it in the dustbin...
    e.g. That second night, Sid Vicious chucked a bottle at the stage.

2. 辞去(工作);停止,终止(活动)
    If you chuck your job or some other activity, you stop doing it.

    e.g. Last summer, he chucked his 10-year career as a London stockbroker and headed for the mountains.

3. (恋人)踹掉,甩掉
    If your girlfriend or boyfriend chucks you, they end the relationship.


    e.g. There wasn't a great fuss when I chucked her.

4. (钻机等的)卡盘,夹盘
    A chuck is a device for holding a tool in a machine such as a drill.

相关词组:chuck awaychuck inchuck outchuck up

chuck 单语例句

1. He has also named former senator Chuck Hagel to be defense secretary and John Brennan to head the Central Intelligence Agency.

2. " We haven't finished any testing, " said Fort Detrick spokesman Chuck Dasey.

3. From his lonely position as an early Republican critic of the Iraq war, former Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel sometimes lectured his more timid US Senate colleagues.

4. WASHINGTON - From his lonely position as an early Republican critic of the Iraq war, former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel sometimes lectured his more timid Senate colleagues.

5. The Rockets returned Monday to the starting lineup they used to start the season, reinserting not only Yao but forward Chuck Hayes.

6. Chuck Hayes is a phenomenal rebounder, but doesn't contribute much offensively unless he's out on the break with the guards.

7. Both Harding and Chuck said Jamaica is willing to draw experiences from China in developing the national economy and tackling the global financial crisis.

8. The injury came when Clippers forward Tim Thomas drove to the basket and Yao and teammate Chuck Hayes moved to block the shot.

9. Chuck Merrill said during a brief news conference at Marian Medical Center about five hours after Jackson's illness was announced in court by the judge.

10. Chuck said Chinese literature is hard to come by in the United States because bookstores simply don't carry many English translations.

chuck 英英释义



1. a holding device consisting of adjustable jaws that center a workpiece in a lathe or center a tool in a drill

2. informal terms for a meal

    Synonym: choweatsgrub

3. the part of a forequarter from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade



1. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth

    e.g. After drinking too much, the students vomited
           He purged continuously
           The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night

    Synonym: vomitvomit uppurgecastsickcatbe sickdisgorgeregorgeretchpukebarfspewspueupchuckhonkregurgitatethrow up

2. pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin

    Synonym: pat

3. throw carelessly

    e.g. chuck the ball

    Synonym: toss

4. throw away

    e.g. Chuck these old notes

    Synonym: ditch

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