
chute是什么意思 chute在线翻译 chute什么意思 chute的意思 chute的翻译 chute的解释 chute的发音 chute的同义词 chute的反义词 chute的例句

chute [ʃu:t]  [ʃut] 


chute 基本解释

名词降落伞; 斜槽,滑道



chute 相关例句


1. chute

1. There is a laundry chute in the house.

2. The pilot quickly grabbed a chute and jumped out of the plane.

3. Be careful, there is a chute ahead.

4. Put on your skis before you slide down the chute.

chute 网络解释

1. chute

1. 瀑布:有一道长长的瀑布(chute)从陡高山的半山腰倾泻下来,这瀑布哗哗巨响,站在远处看,仿佛女人的一头白发(hair)从山上垂了下来,在阳光下格外漂亮. 当地的人把这瀑布叫做白发水,据说这里面还有一个美丽的传说呢.

2. 滑道:时间所限,登上十号平台后我们便决定乘滑道(chute)返回,一旁解说员大妈用标准的国语和标准的中国式英语,面无惧色地,反复向中外游客介绍乘坐滑道的注意事项,令大家阵阵开怀大笑.

3. 急流:高利河上段提供了惊人的III-V级的下落,汹涌的如枕石(Pillow Rock),铁戒指(Iron Ring)和甜瀑布(Sweet's Falls)的急流(Chute),还有多石的线路需要不停的操作,如丢浆(Lost Paddle)和沉船(Shipwreck).

chute 词典解释

1. 滑道;斜道;溜槽
    A chute is a steep, narrow slope down which people or things can slide.


    e.g. Passengers escaped from the plane's front four exits by sliding down emergency chutes.

2. 降落伞
    A chute is a parachute.

    e.g. You can release the chute with either hand, but it is easier to do it with the left.

chute 单语例句

1. The zoo added customized steel mesh over the bars, built in a feeding chute and increased the distance between the public and the cats.

2. Huang said that the evacuation chute was very steep and passengers were in a panic, pushing people in front of them.

3. Huang said the evacuation chute was very steep and passengers were in a panic, pushing people in front of them.

4. US Postal Service spokesman Victor Dubina says the postcard may have been stuck in equipment or lost behind a mail chute.

5. Its grounds offer a splendid view of Chute Montmorency, a mighty waterfall nestled in green pines.

6. Their garbage chute was sealed, a trash bin placed in front of their unit instead.

7. The inflatable escape chute wouldn't inflate, but I jumped all the same.

8. But a cry for help tipped police to continue their search and they found the other burglar wedged in the chute.

9. A home burglar fled from the police by hiding in a residential garbage chute only to realize that he was stuck.

chute 英英释义


1. sloping channel through which things can descend

    Synonym: slideslidewaysloping trough

2. rescue equipment consisting of a device that fills with air and retards your fall

    Synonym: parachute



1. jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute

    Synonym: parachutejump

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