
citation是什么意思 citation在线翻译 citation什么意思 citation的意思 citation的翻译 citation的解释 citation的发音 citation的同义词

citation [saɪˈteɪʃn]  [saɪˈteʃən] 


citation 基本解释

名词引文; 引用; 引证; 表扬

citation 情景对话

Two - word Verbs-(成语动词)

A:Hi, Mary, how are you doing?

B:Fine. What happended to you yesterday? I didn't see you in class.


A:Oh, I overslept as usual. What went on anyway?


B:We heard about two-word verbs.

A:What's a two-word verb?

B:Things like drop in, go over, get out, fill up. Listen to these two sentences: citation will run in the third race tomorrow; Mr.Lee will run in to see you tomorrow. Can you tell which run in is the two-word verb?
      像drop in, go over, get out, fill up这些词。听听下面这两句话:Citation will run in the third race tomorrow; Mr。Lee will run in to see you tomorrow。 这两句中都有run in,你能说出哪一个是成语动词吗?

citation 网络解释

1. 引证:Supreme Court Database注18网站则提供1906年之后的文字判决资料及法院辩论的实况录音,查询时可由标题 (title)、引证(citation)、主题(subject)及日期(Date)检索点进入.

2. 出处:原文标题:需要注明出处(citation)有福了,作者:2616 8888发表主题 / 回应:26 / 36时间:2006-11-23 03:03 PM需要注明出处(citation)有福了, 因为我们必称 网路之神 的儿女

citation 词典解释

1. 嘉奖令;表彰
    A citation is an official document or speech which praises a person for something brave or special that they have done.

    e.g. His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.

2. (出自书籍等的)引述,引文
    A citation from a book or other piece of writing is a passage or phrase from it.

3. 同 summons
    A citation is the same as a summons .

    e.g. The court could issue a citation and fine Ms. Robbins.

citation 单语例句

1. Fu Yong had fought in the War of Defense and Counterattack against Vietnam and received a grade two battle citation.

2. As part of a plea agreement, the citation against Bobbie Nelson was dismissed.

3. If you are familiar with academic papers, you will notice that the Chinese scholars'citation rankings lag behind their publication rate.

4. It said the increase in China's citation rate " does not reflect the rapid increase that has been seen in the nation's investment or publication output ".

5. The award citation said Samuelson " has done more than any other contemporary economist to raise the level of scientific analysis in economic theory ".

6. The jury citation said Wang was selected because his work opens new horizons and at the same time resonates in people's memories.

7. It is the first time in 25 years that a full chamber of Congress has voted on a contempt of Congress citation.

8. These were the words of citation when the annual Touching China awards named her in this year's honor roll.

9. In November 2004, he received a misdemeanor citation after arguing with a police officer during a traffic stop.

10. " Applications of this phenomenon have revolutionized techniques for retrieving data from hard disks, " the prize citation said.


citation 英英释义


1. a summons that commands the appearance of a party at a proceeding

2. a passage or expression that is quoted or cited

    Synonym: quotationquote

3. an official award (as for bravery or service) usually given as formal public statement

    Synonym: commendation

4. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

    e.g. the student's essay failed to list several important citations
           the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book
           the article includes mention of similar clinical cases

    Synonym: citeacknowledgmentcreditreferencementionquotation

5. (law) the act of citing (as of spoken words or written passages or legal precedents etc.)

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