
city是什么意思 city在线翻译 city什么意思 city的意思 city的翻译 city的解释 city的发音 city的同义词 city的反义词 city的例句 city的相关词组

city [ˈsɪti]  [ˈsɪti] 


city 基本解释

名词城市; 全市居民; (由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市; (由政府授予特权的)特权市

city 相关例句


1. city在线翻译

1. I prefer country life to city life.


1. The whole city turned out to cheer the Pope.

2. The playing field was mud city after the big rain.

city 情景对话


A:This is a great area of the city for (shopping/ dining/ schools).



A:Let’s go to Panjiayuan market this weekend.

B:That’d be interesting. Where is it?

A:It’s south-east of the city centre.

B:Is it far? Is it easy to get there?

A:No, it’s not far. It’s about 20 minutes in a taxi.

B:That sounds ok. Maybe we can find some bargains.

Tourist Information-(游客信息)

A:Excuse me.



A:Do you have any infomp3ation about the city sights?

B:Sure. There’s a lot here in this pamphlet.

A:Thank you. And what’s the best way to get downtown?

B:Take the subway. It’s $1.50 per ride. You can buy a metro card at the station.


A:You’ve been very helpful.

B:My pleasure.

city 网络解释

1. 城市大学:近年来,从亨里学院完成预科课程的学生,有很多进入了英国的一些著名大学,如:阿斯通大学(ASTON),卡地夫大学(CARDIFF),城市大学(CITY),伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(QUEEN MARY'S COLLEGE),伯明翰大学(BIRMINGHAM),艾塞克斯大学(ESSEX),

city 词典解释

1. 城市
    A city is a large town.

    e.g. ...the city of Bologna.
    e.g. ...a busy city centre.

city 单语例句


1. He said business representatives have expressed concern that English standard in the city has been declining.

2. Some 62 percent of the city's total travel expenses are spent on business trips, while more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies are already located here.

3. The companies and the municipal government of Chengdu in Southwest China plan to form a joint venture to produce business jets in that city.

4. He was serving as the manager of a cow propagating business based in Dahe Township of Luquan City.

5. The city government promised on Sunday to maintain social and business order, including the operation of Carrefour.

6. " The World Expo 2010 will provide the city's service sector with a huge business opportunity, " said the official.

7. The business opportunity made them decide to move to the city and open a flower shop here.

8. Fang said Shanghai would also allow joint venture brokers and fund firms to extend their business scope within the city.

9. Meanwhile, lawmakers urged the government to reposition the city's business structure.

10. It attracts hoards of onlookers to the red car because its businessman owner parks it in the city's Shunde district.

city 英英释义



1. people living in a large densely populated municipality

    e.g. the city voted for Republicans in 1994

    Synonym: metropolis

2. a large and densely populated urban area
    may include several independent administrative districts

    e.g. Ancient Troy was a great city

    Synonym: metropolisurban center

3. an incorporated administrative district established by state charter

    e.g. the city raised the tax rate

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