
classic是什么意思 classic在线翻译 classic什么意思 classic的意思 classic的翻译 classic的解释 classic的发音 classic的同义词 classic的反义词

classic [ˈklæsɪk]  [ ˈklæsɪk] 


classic 基本解释

形容词典型的; 传统式样的; 著名的; 有趣的

名词文豪; 文学名著; 优秀的典范; 古希腊与古罗马的文化研究(尤指对其语言与文学的研究)

classic 相关例句


1. This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency.

2. The old gentleman had on a classic suit.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. He recommended me a classic book on Buddhism.


1. Shakespeare is a classic.

2. His reply was a classic.

classic 词典解释

1. 典型的
    A classic example of a thing or situation has all the features which you expect such a thing or situation to have.

    e.g. The debate in the mainstream press has been a classic example of British hypocrisy...
    e.g. His first two goals were classic cases of being in the right place at the right time.

2. (电影、著作、音乐)经典的,典范的,最优秀的
    A classic film, piece of writing, or piece of music is of very high quality and has become a standard against which similar things are judged.

    e.g. ...the classic children's film Huckleberry Finn.
    e.g. ...a classic study of the American penal system.

3. 文学经典;名著;杰作
    A classic is a book which is well-known and considered to be of a high literary standard. You can refer to such books generally as the classics .


    e.g. As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly.

4. (风格)传统的,古雅的,古朴的
    Classic style is simple and traditional and is not affected by changes in fashion.

    e.g. Wear classic clothes which feel good and look good...
    e.g. These are classic designs which will fit in well anywhere.

5. (轿车)经典的,(尤指)老式的
    A classic car is a model of car that is greatly admired because of its style, and is considered to be one of the best of its kind; used especially to talk about cars which are no longer being produced.


6. (尤指对古希腊、古罗马的语言、文学、哲学的)古典文化研究
    Classics is the study of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, especially their languages, literature, and philosophy.

    e.g. ...a Classics degree.

classic 单语例句

1. Released in 1942 by Warner Bros Studio, " Casablanca " is an undisputed Hollywood classic.

2. The classic landscape was instantly destroyed by the symbol of modernization and the artist lamented the disappearing Chinese spirit.

3. Bo Van Pelt's caddie carries his clubs during the final round of the CIMB Asia Pacific Classic in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday.

4. Art and cultural influences from different time periods during the 110 years can also be traced in the classic design of exhibited Cadillac car models.

5. At the entrance of the east gate of the park there are 80 pieces of classic calligraphy works by calligraphers from past dynasties in China.

6. Some of his works were inspired by the classic Chinese novels like " A Pilgrimage to the West " and " Canonization of the Gods ".

7. In addition to the selection of the classic and popular jazz songs, she would also perform jazz versions of Mandarin and Cantonese love songs.

8. The restaurant at Houhai does a good job of recreating classic Chinese foods in a modern fashion.

9. Following the success of last year's production of A Christmas Carol, the Dickens holiday classic will return to the stage this December.

10. The clothing design of fur garments covers styles from classic to casual in order to meet the different needs of various consumers.

classic 英英释义


1. a creation of the highest excellence

2. an artist who has created classic works



1. of or relating to the most highly developed stage of an earlier civilisation and its culture

    e.g. classic Cinese pottery

    Synonym: classical

2. of or pertaining to or characteristic of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures

    e.g. classical mythology

    Synonym: classicalGreco-RomanGraeco-RomanHellenic

3. of recognized authority or excellence

    e.g. the definitive work on Greece
           classical methods of navigation

    Synonym: authoritativeclassicaldefinitive

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