
cleaner是什么意思 cleaner在线翻译 cleaner什么意思 cleaner的意思 cleaner的翻译 cleaner的解释 cleaner的发音 cleaner的同义词 cleaner的反义词

cleaner [ˈkli:nə(r)]  [ˈklinɚ] 


cleaner 基本解释


名词吸尘器; 清洁剂; 保洁员; 干洗店

形容词更清洁的(clean的比较级); 整齐的; 新的; 正派的


cleaner 相关例句


1. The shop repairs vacuum cleaners.

2. He was taken to the cleaners in a card game last night.

3. Take your clothes to the cleaner.

cleaner 网络解释

1. 清洗剂:本公司自 1959 年成立至今 ,已经四十多年历史 ,多年来一直竭诚为电子工业及成衣业服 务,自 1972 年 起,本公司代理美国凯斯特 ( K E S T E R ) 全纟列产品,包括有锡膏 (SOLDER PASTE)、锡线 (SOLDER WIRE)、锡条 (SOLDER BAR)、助焊剂 (FLUX) 及清洗剂 (CLEANER) 等 .

2. cleaner的意思

2. 清洁员:暑假到KFC打工英语作文Joozone Editors Note:你在2011年暑假到一家KFC快餐店做清洁员(cleaner)工作,你每天工作7小时,为期3个月,这项工作辛苦而且枯燥,并使你感到非常疲惫,这几乎使你半途放弃.

3. 吸尘器:美国求购家用吸尘器(cleaner) 意大利求购家用吸尘器(cleaner) 加拿大求购吸尘器(CLEANER) 更多免费CLEANER买家 更多免

cleaner 词典解释

1. (大楼的)保洁员,清洁工
    A cleaner is someone who is employed to clean the rooms and furniture inside a building.

2. (专业的)清洁工
    A cleaner is someone whose job is to clean a particular type of thing.


    e.g. He was a window cleaner.

3. 清洗剂;去污剂
    A cleaner is a substance used for cleaning things.

    e.g. ...oven cleaner.
    e.g. ...abrasive cleaners.

4. 清洁器;吸尘器
    A cleaner is a device used for cleaning things.

    e.g. ...an air cleaner.

5. 干洗店
    A cleaner or a cleaner's is a shop where things such as clothes are dry-cleaned.


6. 骗走,骗光(钱财)
    If someone takes you to the cleaners, they unfairly take most of your money, for example in a business deal or in gambling.

cleaner 单语例句


1. The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his member through a special attachment.

2. Shale gas exploitation has been gathering steam in China as the nation looks for cleaner energy to cut its carbon emissions and fuel economic growth.

3. Clean emission vehicles currently developed in China mainly include those powered by a fuel cell, hybrids using both cleaner fuels and electricity and purely electric vehicles.

4. Mr Guha said the cleaner worked at the chimpanzee area and was on his lunch break when the tragedy happened.

5. Briatore said greater severity in implementing the rules helped keep the sport cleaner in England, adding that the main difference the countries was in " sporting culture ".

6. " I wish it would have been a little bit cleaner, " Jackson said.

7. To promote use of cleaner and thus expensive fuel or other energy, the government is obligated to subsidize either the producers or consumers of such cleaner products.

8. His laborer father and cleaner mother recognized him on TV only when he was introduced while mounting the podium to receive his gold medal.

9. Hitachi adopted its new logo with an image of two tapirs, one in pink and another in green to indicate harmony and a cleaner world.

10. The objective of the annual reviews would be to provide information for investments in cleaner products and services and the elimination of market distorting subsidies.


cleaner 英英释义


1. a preparation used in cleaning something

    Synonym: cleansing agentcleanser

2. someone whose occupation is cleaning

3. the operator of dry-cleaning establishment

    Synonym: dry cleaner

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