
climax是什么意思 climax在线翻译 climax什么意思 climax的意思 climax的翻译 climax的解释 climax的发音 climax的同义词 climax的反义词 climax的例句

climax [ˈklaɪmæks]  [ˈklaɪˌmæks] 


climax 基本解释

名词高潮; 顶点,极点; 层进法; [生物学]顶极群落

及物/不及物动词达到顶点; 达到巅峰; 使达到高潮; 使达到性高潮

climax 相关词组

1. come to a climax : 达到高潮;

climax 相关例句


1. The evening was climaxed by his memorable speech.


1. The play climaxed in the third act.


1. The story reached a climax in chapter ten.

2. climax

2. His election to the presidency was the climax of his career.

climax 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 顶极群落:无论演替最初是在何种环境条件下发生,若时间足够长且无外界因素干扰,演替将会不断地向前进行,经过一系列的过渡阶段群落(称为演替系列),最终将达到一个与当地大气候及土壤等生态环境条件相适应的、组成和结构相对稳定的群落,即演替顶极群落(climax).

2. 顶点:哈米顿说一剧最有力的场面必须要具体的附属物,演剧者必设法使观众预先知道这附属物之存在,则至剧的顶点(climax)时观众才会以全力注意人物,而不致为附属物分心了.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 顶极:演替顶极(climax)植物群落演替学说中的一个概念. 由美国植物生态学家克莱门茨所提出,认为演替顶极是一定地区气候条件下的自然群落最终发展(演替)阶段,它与地区气候和其他环境因素间的相互关系处于平衡状态,是最中生和最稳定的群落.

climax 词典解释

1. (通常临近结尾的)高潮,最精彩处
    The climax of something is the most exciting or important moment in it, usually near the end.

    e.g. For Pritchard, reaching an Olympics was the climax of her career...
    e.g. It was the climax to 24 hours of growing anxiety...

2. (使)接近高潮;(使)达到顶点
    The event that climaxes a sequence of events is an exciting or important event that comes at the end. You can also say that a sequence of events climaxes with a particular event.

    e.g. The demonstration climaxed two weeks of strikes...
    e.g. They've just finished a sell-out UK tour that climaxed with a three-night stint at Brixton Academy.

3. 性高潮
    A climax is an orgasm .


4. 达到性高潮
    When someone climaxes, they have an orgasm.


    e.g. Often, a man can enjoy making love but may not be sufficiently aroused to climax.

climax 单语例句

1. The carnival reached its climax at the countdown moment with the launch of a spectacular light show complemented with pyrotechnics.

2. It won its independence in a January referendum - the climax of a 2005 peace deal that ended decades of civil war with the north.

3. When He Yong took the stage, the atmosphere reached its climax.

4. Stealing the limelight from domestic designers'shows, five shows by foreign designers pushed the fashion week to a climax last weekend.

5. However when McEwen launched his solo dash for the line it appeared too early, and his effort appeared to climax well before the finish line.

6. And 2012 and 2103 will witness the climax of local government debt maturity, with more than 3 trillion yuan of debt maturing over these years.

7. And while Ancelotti admits the odds remain stacked against his team, he insists there could be more twists and turns before the season reaches its climax.

8. Their staggering and unprecedented success in becoming European soccer champions has brought the first of this summer's major sporting events to a truly remarkable climax.

9. The climax of the panda trip came on the morning of Oct 4, when the sun broke through the clouds for the first time during the holiday.

10. The marathon game proceeds with dirty tricks and violence, raising the stakes beyond blood money and reaching a terrifying climax.

climax 英英释义



1. the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse

    Synonym: orgasmsexual climaxcoming

2. the decisive moment in a novel or play

    e.g. the deathbed scene is the climax of the play

    Synonym: culmination

3. arrangement of clauses in ascending order of forcefulness

4. the highest point of anything conceived of as growing or developing or unfolding

    e.g. the climax of the artist's career
           in the flood tide of his success

    Synonym: flood tide

5. the most severe stage of a disease


1. end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage

    e.g. The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace

    Synonym: culminate

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