
clips是什么意思 clips在线翻译 clips什么意思 clips的意思 clips的翻译 clips的解释 clips的发音 clips的同义词 clips的反义词 clips的例句


原级:clip现在分词:clipping过去分词:clipped; clipt过去式:clipped

clips 基本解释

剪( clip的名词复数 );剪短;剪报;夹子;用别针别在某物上,用夹子夹在某物上( clip的第三人称单数 );剪掉;缩短;给…剪毛;


clips 网络解释

1. clips的翻译

1. 片段:近年来片商为了票房在行销上多动头脑,有手法低劣者把电影正片精彩片段通通剪入 预告或者以片段(clips)的方式吸引观众进戏院. 殊不知精彩片段甚至关键剧情已全部出现在预告及片段中,即便电影本身不差,看来也 是索然无味,

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2. 夹子:比赛中对小夹子(Clips)和绳的长度都有具体的规定. 自行车游戏是一项由一只犬或犬队拉着自行车行进的运动. 尽管任何种类的犬都可以用来进行此项运动,可是西伯利亚哈士奇,萨摩耶,马拉慕,指示犬(Pointers)在自行车赛中用的最多.

3. 夹子; 回形针:exercise, practice 练习 | clips 夹子; 回形针 | glue 胶水

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5. clips:c language integrated production system; c语言集成产生式系统

clips 单语例句

1. Jacky Wu's variety show Guess became the most downloaded clips among college students and white collared workers.

2. Then it's off to see the new video studio, where advertisers and top contributors to the site will come to film clips.

3. The Army has also added to its Web site video games, a virtual recruiter and clips that answer commonly asked questions about life in uniform.

4. To help you understand the clips better we have designed a quiz to test your comprehension.

5. Owners were expected to be notified of the recall in late July, and dealers will install new clips on the console.

6. Giant digital display boards play advert clips, showcasing multinational brands in endless reruns.

7. CTS was founded in 2006 to provide advertisements that are inserted in online video clips.

8. Each installment will feature rarely seen photographs and film footage, clips from memorable American movies and interviews with distinguished historians and major Hollywood figures.

9. Survivors said about seven guerrillas were involved, emptying their clips into the bus before fleeing.

10. By repeating the experiment with video clips shot at bars, the scientists hope to recreate those social cues and see what happens.

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