
coating是什么意思 coating在线翻译 coating什么意思 coating的意思 coating的翻译 coating的解释 coating的发音 coating的同义词 coating的反义词

coating [ˈkəʊtɪŋ]  [ˈkoʊtɪŋ] 


coating 基本解释

名词涂层,覆盖层; (食品上的)面衣,糖衣,涂料; 外衣布料上衣料,细呢,花呢

动词给…穿上外衣; 覆盖; “coat”的现在分词


coating 相关例句


1. Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.

coating 网络解释

1. 涂层:154 涂层(Coating)在布的一面或两面涂布一层涂料溶液,再经烘干和交联固化的工艺. 155 涂布胶料(Padding)将织物通过胶槽或通过带有胶料的两个挤压辊间而实现浸渍或涂布胶料. 156 浸渍(Dippping)这是将布浸入加工溶液如粘合剂、染料、柔顺剂或防水剂等的一种后整理工艺.

2. 涂装:表面处理工业虽然不是工业的主流,但只有透过表面处理,制品的特性及价值才能充份发挥出来.应用电镀(plating),阳极处理(anodizing),化成处理(convesion coating),涂装(coating)等工业技术,达到防蚀,增进可焊性,润滑性,耐磨性,

3. 覆盖:技术项目 航空马达涡轮压缩机叶片加强覆盖(Coating)之技术真空离子电浆覆盖技术和成份是以氮化钛(Titanium nitrides)为基础而发展之该覆盖物(Coating)即为氮化钛用作航空马达压缩机的钛叶片.

coating 词典解释

1. 涂层;覆盖层
    A coating of a substance is a thin layer of it spread over a surface.


    e.g. Under the coating of dust and cobwebs, he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock.
    e.g. ...fluffy chocolate mousse, topped off with a crisp chocolate coating.

coating 单语例句

1. Dyestuff and coating materials are the backbone products in the refined chemical industry of Hebei Province.

2. To make a rub cover the chop with a thin coating of olive oil and lightly sprinkle on the seasonings before cooking.

3. The first snow in Beijing this year is fluttering down and coating the evergreen firs lining our driveway even as I write.

4. It uses the minerals naturally present in teeth to help the body mend itself, coating the teeth in a natural substance similar to enamel.

5. The unit is now able to handle the equivalent of engineering work required for three, and soon four galvanization or coating lines a year.

6. This renders the fat beneath the skin, and the flavor is infused into the crisp coating while the meat becomes meltingly tender.

7. Ski areas east of Los Angeles got a big coating of snow, but travel in the rugged mountain resort region nearly impossible in many areas.

8. Liu said the white coating on the jars was similar to earthenware pieces unearthed in central China's Henan Province and northwestern Gansu Province.

9. It has shed what little religious significance it had in the first place and gained a thick coating of mercantilism.

10. Downer said one reason for the few casualties inside the embassy was the blast coating on the windows.

coating 英英释义



1. the work of applying something

    e.g. the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine
           a complete bleach requires several applications
           the surface was ready for a coating of paint

    Synonym: applicationcovering

2. a thin layer covering something

    e.g. a second coat of paint

    Synonym: coat

3. a heavy fabric suitable for coats

4. a decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance)

    e.g. the boat had a metallic finish
           he applied a coat of a clear finish
           when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly

    Synonym: finishfinishing

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