
cockiness是什么意思 cockiness在线翻译 cockiness什么意思 cockiness的意思 cockiness的翻译 cockiness的解释 cockiness的发音 cockiness的同义词

cockiness ['kɒkɪnəs]  ['kɒkɪnəs] 

cockiness 基本解释


cockiness 网络解释

1. 骄傲自大:cockily 自高自大地 | cockiness 骄傲自大 | cockish 傲慢的

2. 趾高气扬:做成交易 conclude this transaction | 趾高气扬 cockiness | 战列舰 battle ship

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 骄傲自大 (名):cockily 逞能地; 自高自大地 (副) | cockiness 骄傲自大 (名) | cockleshell 海扇壳; 小舟 (名)

cockiness 双语例句

1. Don't be so cold and stoic. She needs to see some sweetness beneath all that cockiness! Of

2. There`s a difference between confidence and cockiness, and the Lakers understand the difference better than most teams.

3. And C-Ron, well he is good, but i don't seem to be wow'd by his play, he is the best in the world at the moment and will get better, but for me, his cockiness and overall smug attitude on the field make him a little less special to me.
    和C -罗恩,以及他是好的,但我似乎并不wow'd他的发挥,他是世界上最好的此刻,并会得到更好的,但对我来说,他cockiness和整体自鸣得意的态度实地让他少一些特别给我。

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. In part because he was a saloon singer and they loved saloon songs, and they liked his cockiness...

5. cockiness什么意思

5. Seul Gi is not afraid to be different or make people laugh because she has that confidence without cockiness and she is truly grateful that she's in her position today.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Scrap is a sad human being, he sees himself as the result of missed opportunities in the past, and so he spends his time helping the others, offering them his wise advice, with a tone of deadpan humor and even cockiness.
    小块是哀伤的人,他看见自己由于被错过的机会从前,和因此他花费他的时间帮助其他,提供他们他明智的忠告,以deadpan 幽默和甚而自大口气。

7. cockiness在线翻译

7. That, of course, is just the sort of cockiness that rankles with health pundits.

8. I won't forgive myself for that mistake I made, for that little bit of cockiness n.

9. cockiness的近义词

9. The on-court cockiness that had been on display in Game 1 had yet to make an appearance.

10. I really despised the old man for all his cockiness.

11. He also said that among some young Chinese success sometimes seems to have produced not so much national self-confidence as cockiness.

12. But excessive cockiness is not a sign of too much success. Rather, it is usually rooted in insecurity and lack of self-confidence.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. The things that stuck out were his cockiness and his four-letter words

14. cockiness的近义词

14. There's a difference between confidence and cockiness, and the Lakers understand the difference better than most teams.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. If they take western cockiness down a few notches, that is no bad thing.

16. cockiness的近义词

16. Remember the difference between confidence and cockiness.

17. Notice that off the court, Bryant rarely, if ever, displays the type of cockiness and arrogance he is accused of by his critics.

cockiness 单语例句

1. Obama say that his quest for excellence can bleed into cockiness and the charge that he tends to overestimate his capabilities.

cockiness 英英释义



1. offensive boldness and assertiveness

    Synonym: bumptiousnesspushinessforwardness

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