
cohesion是什么意思 cohesion在线翻译 cohesion什么意思 cohesion的意思 cohesion的翻译 cohesion的解释 cohesion的发音 cohesion的同义词

cohesion [kəʊˈhi:ʒn]  [koʊˈhi:ʒn] 

cohesion 基本解释

名词凝聚,内聚; (各部的)结合; [力]内聚力; [植]连着

cohesion 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 内聚性:由于遗传型的内聚性(cohesion),往往不可能只改善表现型的某一组成部分 而不有损于另外部分. 当转移到新的适应区后,在原先的适应区中的某些适应就不再有 利. 水生哺乳类必须尽可能减少和淘汰陆生生活方式的一切特殊适应.

cohesion 词典解释

1. 团结;凝聚力
    If there is cohesion within a society, organization, or group, the different members fit together well and form a united whole.

    e.g. By 1990, it was clear that the cohesion of the armed forces was rapidly breaking down...
    e.g. The group's teaching and methods threatened social cohesion.

cohesion 单语例句

1. For their voice to be taken into account the bloc should build more cohesion and actively challenge the dominance of Western powers in global governance.

2. He argues that high levels of immigration have increased the cost of the safety net, slowed economic growth and strained civic cohesion.

3. Mthethwa said Mandela had taught South Africans about the need for unity and cohesion.

4. Undermining unit cohesion was a determining factor when Congress passed the 1993 law, intended to keep the military from asking recruits their sexual orientation.

5. The cohesion the new leaders have forged with the people in a time of crisis will prove a precious asset on the way ahead.

6. An appropriate degree of land " value recapture " and its redistribution to achieve greater fairness will revive the social cohesion that underlies a strong society.

7. The issuance of eurobonds would be a very useful instrument to show the European Union's cohesion and its will to make progress in fiscal governance.

8. Proper guidance and publicity on workers'unity during difficult times is likely to strength corporate cohesion among employees.

9. Mounting divorce cases may be an embarrassing phenomenon to many who still hold the traditional dictum for family cohesion.

10. Behind this power is the conviction that love and a caring heart for each other is the most important element for social cohesion.


cohesion 英英释义



1. (physics) the intermolecular force that holds together the molecules in a solid or liquid

2. (botany) the process in some plants of parts growing together that are usually separate (such as petals)

3. the state of cohering or sticking together

    Synonym: coherencecoherencycohesiveness

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