
coil是什么意思 coil在线翻译 coil什么意思 coil的意思 coil的翻译 coil的解释 coil的发音 coil的同义词 coil的反义词 coil的例句 coil的相关词组

coil [kɔɪl]  [kɔɪl] 


coil 基本解释

名词线圈; (一)卷,(一)盘; 盘卷之物; 纷乱,纠缠不清

及物动词盘绕; 卷成一圈

不及物动词绕成盘状; 卷绕成圈

coil 相关例句


1. Laura coiled her hair at the back of her head.

2. coil是什么意思

2. Coil the rope up.


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Thick smoke coiled up over the fields.


1. A couple of coils of rope still lay on the dock.

coil 网络解释

1. 盘管:一个容器 外面设有盘管(Coil)然后在设计能力上注明15A 保温(H80) 然后就是设计压力设计温度了 请问下 注明的是什么意思?这个盘管的作用是为了保温吗?? 期待各位前辈指点一二 谢谢!

2. 死亡缠绕:t) 5)死亡缠绕(Coil)巫妖 1)霜冻之星(Nova) 2)黑暗仪式(Ritual) 3)霜冻之星(Nova) 4)黑暗仪式(Ritual) 5)霜冻之星(Nova)恐惧魔王(如果你的对手在使用毁灭者以后转型为石像鬼) 1)腐尸蜂群(Carrionswarm) 2)吸血光环(Vampiricaura) 3)腐尸蜂群(Carrionswarm) 4)吸血光环(Vampiricaura) 5)腐尸蜂群(Carrionswarm)地穴领主(如果

3. coil

3. 卷:是在第一次减数分裂的中期到后期染色体的染色丝中所见到的螺旋结构. 大螺旋进一步盘卷(coil)化而成为小螺旋.

4. coil:cw oxygen-iodine chemical lasers; 氧碘化学激光器

5. coil:chemical oxygen-iodine laser; 氧碘激光器

coil 词典解释

1. (绳子、金属丝等绕成的)卷,圈
    A coil of rope or wire is a length of it that has been wound into a series of loops.

    e.g. Tod shook his head angrily and slung the coil of rope over his shoulder...
    e.g. The steel arrives at the factory in coils.

2. 一卷;一圈
    A coil is one loop in a series of loops.

    e.g. Pythons kill by tightening their coils so that their victim cannot breathe.

3. (电路的)线圈
    A coil is a thick spiral of wire through which an electrical current passes.


4. (汽车发动机的)盘管
    In a vehicle, the coil is the part on a petrol engine that sends electricity to the spark plugs.

5. 子宫节育环;避孕环
    The coil is a contraceptive device used by women. It is fitted inside a woman's womb, usually for several months or years.

6. 卷;盘绕
    If you coil something, you wind it into a series of loops or into the shape of a ring. If it coils around something, it forms loops or a ring.

    e.g. He turned off the water and began to coil the hose...
    e.g. Louisa was dancing, spinning by herself, her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet...

coil 单语例句


1. A heating coil vaporizes the nicotine into a fine mist, which is then inhaled.

2. He also uses a homemade coil which acts as a giant lightning machine, creating long bolts into the night sky.

3. Adult men keep long hair, and also coil wigs around the head with silk threads.

4. The coil was also moved to the right side of the crankcase, making the design and overall maintenance simple.

5. The kitten was discovered in a shipment of steel coil from Singapore delivered to a local Cleveland firm.

6. His survival hinged on a coil of green algae which provided air in return for Godson urinating on the plants each day.

7. White Chinese yam with Japanese sauce is a unique appetizer, in which Chinese yam is made into thin noodles and made into a coil.

coil 英英释义


1. a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops

    e.g. a coil of rope

    Synonym: spiralvolutewhorlhelix

2. reactor consisting of a spiral of insulated wire that introduces inductance into a circuit

3. tubing that is wound in a spiral

4. a contraceptive device placed inside a woman's womb

5. a transformer that supplies high voltage to spark plugs in a gasoline engine

6. a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)

    Synonym: whorlrollcurlcurlicueringletgyrescroll


1. wind around something in coils or loops

    Synonym: loopcurl

2. make without a potter's wheel

    e.g. This famous potter hand-builds all of her vessels

    Synonym: handbuildhand-build

3. to wind or move in a spiral course

    e.g. the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action
           black smoke coiling up into the sky
           the young people gyrated on the dance floor

    Synonym: gyratespiral

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