
collapsing是什么意思 collapsing在线翻译 collapsing什么意思 collapsing的意思 collapsing的翻译 collapsing的解释 collapsing的发音 collapsing的同义词

collapsing [kə'læpsɪŋ]  [kə'læpsɪŋ] 


collapsing 基本解释

压扁[平],毁坏,断裂;崩溃;倒塌;折叠( collapse的现在分词 );坐下;

collapsing 网络解释

1. collapsing什么意思

1. 折叠:一些分布式应用程序会在对各个客户端进行同步时锁定某个只读文件的部分内容,它们要求关闭所有只读文件的文件句柄缓存和折叠(collapsing)功能. 如果不在系统上运行这类应用程序,并且在客户端计算机上启用了折叠功能,那么就可以设定该参数.

2. 倒塌:控制find操作的倒塌(collapsing)规则是何含义,有何效果?(7分)5.堆排序(heap sort)是稳定排序吗?举例说明.(6分)设符号表T重的标识符x满足1xm,且n为对T表的最大插入次数.设计符号表T的表示结构,允许使用O(m+n)空间,并写出T的初始化(init),

3. collapsing的近义词

3. 压扁:collapsibletube 可胀缩的筒管 | collapsing 压扁 | collapsinggassaturation 油层溃缩气体饱和度

4. 坍缩:态射分歧指数||ramification index of a morphism | 坍缩||collapsing | 贪婪算法||greedy algorithm

collapsing 单语例句

1. Maintaining cohesiveness with ASEAN and preventing it from collapsing have been the biggest challenges for the bloc in recent years.

2. OPEC production cuts have failed to boost prices, as investors focus on collapsing consumer demand.

3. There is little possibility of its banks collapsing, according to a statement released by State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters on Friday.

4. There have been many reported cases of people collapsing from dehydration and heat stroke, or people getting sick in Beijing and other cities over the past weeks.

5. Merkel's government pushed through the measure to prevent Greece's economy from collapsing.

6. " The government is collapsing in front of our eyes, " Conservative leader David Cameron said on his website.

7. With the medical system in an unhealthy state, support is growing for reforms to prevent the faltering sector from collapsing.

8. But I calmed myself and kept alert for the possible dangers of buildings collapsing, vehicles veering out of control and falling electrical poles.

9. Visual effects supervisor Paul Franklin recalled the note in the script which called for the entire city of Paris collapsing and folding up.

10. Qu managed to get out of the car and tried to stagger to a nearby house before collapsing on the front porch.

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