
coloured是什么意思 coloured在线翻译 coloured什么意思 coloured的意思 coloured的翻译 coloured的解释 coloured的发音 coloured的同义词

coloured [ˈkʌləd]  [ˈkʌləd] 


coloured 基本解释


形容词彩色的; 有色的; 虚饰的; 花哨的

动词(用颜料、彩色笔等)为…着色(colour的过去式和过去分词); (因尴尬而)脸红

coloured 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 着色的:单位形成和分离的第一定律 如果我们把场的一些部分的分离和统一(unification)归之于下列事实,即场的每一部分本身是同质地着色的(coloured),而且与场的环境着色不同,那么这便意味着一条普遍的定律,即单位形成和分离的定律,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 有彩色的:colourcast 彩色电视 | coloured 有彩色的 | colourful 富色彩的

3. 有色的:colouration着色法 | coloured有色的 | colouring多色的

4. 有色彩的 夸张的:colleague 同事 05 | coloured 有色彩的 夸张的 | combat战斗 搏斗 01

coloured 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 colored

1. 有…色的
    Something that is coloured a particular colour is that colour.

    e.g. The illustration shows a cluster of five roses coloured apricot orange.
    e.g. ...a cheap gold-coloured bracelet.

2. 彩色的;有颜色的
    Something that is coloured is a particular colour or combination of colours, rather than being just white, black, or the colour that it is naturally.

    e.g. You can often choose between plain white or coloured and patterned scarves.
    e.g. ...brightly coloured silks laid out on market stalls.

3. 有色人种的
    A coloured person belongs to a race of people with dark skins.

4. 有色人种
    People whose skin is dark are sometimes referred to as coloureds .


coloured 单语例句

1. One of Wudi's ministers ordered local artists to recreate the concubine's image with coloured clothes and project her image with candlelight.

2. Candles light the entire Baiyun Taoist Temple ceremonial hall where 10 monks dressed in traditional, intricately embroidered and wildly coloured Taoist gowns take turns reading long prayers.

3. The most dramatic aspect of renovation was Zhu's idea of creating coloured copper coating for the tower.

4. Another method involved hiding the coloured powder on the performer's palms.

5. Mrs Spooner admitted that telling them apart was sometimes still tricky and she is dressing them in different coloured clothes to differentiate.

6. A similar palette coloured Alexander McQueen's show earlier on Monday, held in an old gallery overlooking a courtyard at the science museum.

7. The coach has said since that the pain of going out of the Champions League had coloured his view and he did not mean it.

8. Another impressive and unique landscape is offered by the only one of its kind dry coloured flora of the Huyang forest.

9. Ancient spears line the walls of the criminal court, and two buckets filled with different coloured sticks sit on the judge's bench.

10. A high quality lacquer painting normally undergoes several instances of polishing in water before being coloured.

coloured 英英释义


1. having skin rich in melanin pigments

    e.g. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
           dark-skinned peoples

    Synonym: coloreddarkdark-skinnednon-white

2. having color or a certain color
    sometimes used in combination

    e.g. colored crepe paper
           the film was in color
           amber-colored heads of grain

    Synonym: coloredcolorful

3. (used of color) artificially produced
    not natural

    e.g. a bleached blonde

    Synonym: bleachedcoloreddyed

4. favoring one person or side over another

    e.g. a biased account of the trial
           a decision that was partial to the defendant

    Synonym: biasedcoloredone-sidedslanted

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