
commanding officer是什么意思 commanding officer在线翻译 commanding officer什么意思 commanding officer的意思 commanding officer的翻译

commanding officer [kəˈmændɪŋ ˈɔfisə]  [kəˈmændɪŋ ˈɔfɪsɚ] 

第三人称复数:commanding officers

commanding officer 基本解释


commanding officer 网络解释

1. 指挥官:其来中国之前是一个快艇(craft)的指挥官(commanding officer),那艇的照片我们也看到了,估计就一两百吨吧,速度可达到40节. 与其作战的LTTE也都是craft(我当时就感到他们其实很落后,要是我们随便拿出一条军舰不知道要大他们多少倍),

2. 值斑驾驶员;指挥员:commanding impulse 指令脉冲 | commanding officer 值斑驾驶员;指挥员 | commanding officer 值班驾驶员

3. 值班驾驶员:commanding officer 值斑驾驶员;指挥员 | commanding officer 值班驾驶员 | commanding officer's cabin 指挥官舱

4. 少尉至上校阶级之各指挥官:commanding apparatus || 操纵设备, 指令器件 | commanding officer || 少尉至上校阶级之各指挥官 | commanding tower || 指挥塔

commanding officer 双语例句

1. Ago by the executive team will be the first command of a small red flag, and then followed by three officers riding, Huang Luo umbrella, Black Dragon flag, clear the way gongs, flags; lights after the commanding officer in the bunting dragon, stilts, lions, the size Yangko Ryuko, Wu Council, sub-horse team, the Eight Immortals Keiju, butterfly, cotton, ghosts and lanterns, lotus lamp, light peach, gourd lamp, square lamp, long lights, flower show team.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. But the Insurrectionists had started booby-trapping their bomb shops, and this time, the marines` commanding officer didn`t want them taking any chances.

3. Tarpals stayed close to Binks, trying to keep his commanding officer out of trouble.

4. Allen got to the British commanding officer`s quarters, and shouted at him to come out, or have his entire garrison slaughtered forthwith.

5. He will be the fifth commanding officer.

6. His commanding officer is putting him in for the Victoria Cross.

7. There's an emergency escape vehicle for use by the commanding officer.

8. In the article, the author analyses emphatically that Bao-Jia mechanism change in the course of Bao-Jia`s operation after the war, the people's conference of the Bao`s operating after the war, raising and the use of the Commanding officer and the secretary of the bao.

9. Yu Wei of assistant officer of clear spring country, 16 main force that commanding him cross Chinese river, jump Hunan bound, just lost one car carelessly, who knows by this abrupt and the feminine place that come disturbs, he immediately fly into a rage: Wail what?

10. commanding officer在线翻译

10. My boss often issues confused orders, so I have to go over his head to his commanding officer

11. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs--he wants to please his commanding officer.

12. I know this to be a reproach for my having antagonized the commanding officer.

13. Suddenly, however, their commanding officer decided it would be wrong to retreat.

14. Signal the commanding officer that...

15. The senior officer of ShiBo Department was called ShiBoShi in the early period of Northern Song, which was concurrently the local ZhiZhou; and was altered into TiJuShiBo in Year Three of YuanFeng, which was concurrently the ZhuangYunShi. At the beginning of Chongning, the full-time TiJuShiBo was set up by the royal government, which, therefore, became the main form of the commanding officer in the late Northern Song and Southern Song.

16. On 5 November 1940, Captain Edward Fegen, commanding officer of the auxiliary cruiser HMS Jervis Bay, was escorting a convoy of 38 ships from Canada to England when the convoy was sighted by the German pocket battleship Admiral Scheer.

17. commanding officer的近义词

17. He works for me.|I'm his commanding officer.

18. But he was my commanding officer, I didn't have a choice.

19. With|your commanding officer...

20. You're now the commanding officer.

commanding officer 单语例句

1. " Exercising with an Indian warship is a valuable opportunity for the Navy, " said Te Mana commanding officer Commander John Butcher.

2. The mobile court held in the lakeside village of Baraka marks the first time a commanding officer has been tried for such a crime.

3. Harry is set to face an Army inquiry and Brown said the prince would be meeting his commanding officer soon to discuss the comments.

4. He had been pencilled in as a potential commanding officer of the elite regiment and future Director Special Forces.

5. He said he hoped to return to Afghanistan soon and has already asked his commanding officer to approve a new mission.

6. The rebellious forces also beat some local officials and the deputy commanding officer of the Tibet Military Area.

7. Matsui was the commanding officer of the Japanese expeditionary force responsible for the Nanjing Massacre in 1937.

8. The rebels also beat some local officials and the deputy commanding officer of the Tibet Military Area.

9. A photo released by the Navy showed Phillips unharmed and shaking hands with the commanding officer of the USS Bainbridge.

10. Lippold, the commanding officer of the Cole when it was bombed in Yemen in October 2000.

commanding officer 英英释义


1. an officer in command of a military unit

    Synonym: commandantcommander

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