
commons是什么意思 commons在线翻译 commons什么意思 commons的意思 commons的翻译 commons的解释 commons的发音 commons的同义词 commons的反义词



commons 基本解释


名词平民,下院,公共用; [法律](对土地、水域的)共有权( common的名词复数 ); 公共用地; (学校、大学等的)学生公共食堂; [宗教](基督教某个特定节日所用的)普通礼拜

commons 相关例句


1. His parents were of the commons.

2. A motion was passed by the Commons yesterday.

3. They sometimes came across each other in the commons.

4. She finally got used to the commons.

5. commons是什么意思

5. This is the place where the Commons meet.

commons 网络解释

1. 共有財:很本能境教育的策略,从联合国科教文组织(UNESCO)环境教育委员会指导的「全球视觉的障碍. 这是对於环境共有财(commons)的不关心. 近十年来,这些用的(holistic)思维向度,建构整合的这些不确定性(uncertainty)的现象,也不

2. commons

2. 下议院:而亨利八世的国会修正案,终止了原来由教会控制国会的情况,反而使下议院(Commons)变得比上议院(Lords)更有权力. 激烈的反应:居斯塔夫.艾菲尔(Gustave Eiffel)是位生铁结构的大师,他多产的成果包括了横跨四大洲中数以百计的工厂、教堂、铁路高架桥及桥梁.

commons 单语例句

1. Lawmakers will vote in two weeks on plans to replace Britain's nuclear missile defense system, a Cabinet minister told the House of Commons yesterday.

2. Wen also met Canadian Senate and House of Commons leaders on Thursday.

3. What the US views as selflessly defending friends and maintaining the global commons, the Chinese view as selfishly promoting US interests and threatening their homeland.

4. Common but differentiated responsibility means those who exploited global commons in the past have the responsibility to remedy or mitigate the consequences of that exploitation.

5. " We will look in the shorter term at having better fencing and possibly electrifying it, " an unnamed Commons source was quoted as telling the paper.

6. The British government won two crucial rounds of parliamentary votes as lawmakers in the lower House of Commons debated controversial plans to introduce identity cards.

7. All the opposition speakers crossed the Commons floor to exchange warm handshakes and pats on the shoulder with the prime minister.

8. But most are also either former ministers or have spent decades in the Commons, in line with a tradition of the Speaker being a senior MP.

9. He or she could also give the Commons a more modern face by breaking down some of its mystique and making it more accessible.

10. Whoever wins the most votes in each district gets the seat, and the party that gains the most Commons seats forms the government.

commons 英英释义


1. a class composed of persons lacking clerical or noble rank

    Synonym: commonaltycommonality

2. a pasture subject to common use

    Synonym: common land

3. a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area

    e.g. they went for a walk in the park

    Synonym: parkcommongreen

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