
compel是什么意思 compel在线翻译 compel什么意思 compel的意思 compel的翻译 compel的解释 compel的发音 compel的同义词 compel的反义词 compel的例句

compel [kəmˈpel]  [kəmˈpɛl] 


compel 基本解释

及物动词强迫,迫使; 强制发生,使不得不

compel 相关例句


1. They often compelled us to work twelve or fourteen hours a day.

2. compel

2. He was compelled by illness to give up his studies.

3. compel的意思

3. The rain compelled us to stay indoors.

4. compel在线翻译

4. I was compelled to do so by absolute necessity.


1. compel的近义词

1. He had a presence that inspired and a voice that compelled.

compel 网络解释

1. 强迫:(雪兰莪沙亚南)雪州总警长拿督卡立阿布巴卡今日(周一,7月20日)指责向警方报案指遭反贪污委员会不人道对待的加影市议员陈文华不合作,并警告若他继续拒绝合作,警方将援引刑事程序法典111条文发出传召令,强迫(compel)他来录取口供.

2. 迫:Koprowski)授权王文洋律师可要求第三者,若有必要还可发出传票强迫(compel)相关各方提供必要的财务资料. 另外,法官也授权王文洋律师在资料收集告一段落后,还可宣誓证明(depose)相关证人就所看、所知、所做提出说明.

3. 共同往前推-->强迫,迫使:repel 推回来-->相斥 | compel共同往前推-->强迫,迫使 | propel 往前推-->推进

compel 词典解释

1. 强迫;逼迫
    If a situation, a rule, or a person compels you to do something, they force you to do it.

    e.g. ...the introduction of legislation to compel cyclists to wear a helmet...
    e.g. Leonie's mother was compelled to take in washing to help support her family...

2. 觉得必须(做…)
    If you feel compelled to do something, you feel that you must do it, because it is the right thing to do.

    e.g. Dickens felt compelled to return to the stage for a final good-bye...
    e.g. I felt morally compelled to help.

compel 单语例句

1. Their vast land area and diversity compel the two countries to develop their census mechanisms in manners that can capture all aspects of demographic changes.

2. The government also can't compel Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac to issue securities or purchase common stock.

3. He called on the international community to " intervene immediately to protect the Palestinian people and compel Israel to comply with international humanitarian law ".

4. It also lacks the means to compel others to follow its lead.

5. So trying to compel people to kick their bad habits and poor manners overnight through one or several draconian laws reflects wishful thinking.

6. The statement also urges prosecutors to give serious consideration to deciding whether to compel the victims to testify against their will.

7. The new violence may reflect militants'desire to prove their strength and compel Abbas to take them into account as he begins his tenure.

8. We have to understand that higher taxes will compel cigarette companies to sell more of their products and cause more harm to the people.

9. The auditors'work is meant precisely to spot irregularities and compel wrongdoers to improve.

10. Though it may help enumerators enter a house, it could compel the residents not to cooperate in other ways.

compel 英英释义


1. force somebody to do something

    e.g. We compel all students to fill out this form

    Synonym: obligeobligate

2. necessitate or exact

    e.g. the water shortage compels conservation

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