
complete是什么意思 complete在线翻译 complete什么意思 complete的意思 complete的翻译 complete的解释 complete的发音 complete的同义词

complete [kəmˈpli:t]  [kəmˈplit] 


complete 基本解释

形容词完整的; 完成的; (用以强调)完全的; 达到结尾的

及物动词完成,使完满; 完成或结束; 填写(表格)

complete 相关词组

1. complete with : 包括, 连同;


complete 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. This is a complete story.

2. David is considered the complete manager.

3. A more complete study of the subject is needed.


1. Complete the sentences in the exercise by filling in the blanks.

2. By the end of August we had completed the work.

complete 情景对话


B:Where can we see your complete line?

A:We have a showroom in this city.

B:I‘d like to see it.


A:Drop by anytime.

The First Class-(第一堂课)


A:Today I had my first English class.

B:How was it?

A:It was interesting.The teacher gave us three ways to help ourselves learn the language. First, stop talking anything except English. Then learn many complete sentences by heart.Finally, have American friends tell us how they say things we have trouble with, and always imitate them.

Bob on the Telephone-(鲍勃在打电话)

A:Hello, Pete. This is Bob. How are you?


B:Oh, I'm fine.

A:Where were you this afternoon? You missed an important lecture.Not sick, I hope.



A:That's good. The next time you decide to skip class, check with me first.It wouldn't do for both of us to be absent.We need at least one complete set of notes.


A:By the way, are you still in timewasting mood?


B:Yeah,a little.

A:Good. Why don't you come over after supper?Joe's off somewhere with date, and I don't feel much like working.


B:How about eight o'clock?

A:Well. And bring some records over, why don't you?


B:Okay. See you then. Goodbye.

complete 网络解释

1. complete的翻译

1. 完全的:特许人为受许人规定了一个完全的(complete)方案或模式,以用于受许人对其商业的管理与运营. 该方案描述了特许商业主要方面的详尽运作程序(step-by-step procedures). 以及在考虑到了绝大多数可能发生的管理问题的基础上,为受许人提供了一个完全的(complete)管理决策参考范例.

2. 完备的:能否提出一个新的逻辑系统它不必在逻辑上是完备的(complete)的,但能有效地应用于海量语义数据的推理?

complete 词典解释

1. 完全的;十足的
    You use complete to emphasize that something is as great in extent, degree, or amount as it possibly can be.

    e.g. The rebels had taken complete control...
    e.g. It shows a complete lack of understanding by management...

Dozens of flats had been completely destroyed...
Make sure that you defrost it completely.
...something completely different.

2. 完整的;全部的;整个的
    You can use complete to emphasize that you are referring to the whole of something and not just part of it.

    e.g. A complete tenement block was burnt to the ground...
    e.g. The job sheets eventually filled a complete book.

3. 齐全的;完整的
    If something is complete, it contains all the parts that it should contain.

    e.g. The list may not be complete.
    e.g. ...a complete dinner service...

...the accuracy and completeness of the information obtained.

4. 使齐全;使完整
    To complete a set or group means to provide the last item that is needed to make it a full set or group.

    e.g. Children don't complete their set of 20 baby teeth until they are two to three years old.
    e.g. ...the stickers needed to complete the collection.

5. (作品)全部的,完整的
    The complete works of a writer are all their books or poems published together in one book or as a set of books.

    e.g. ...the Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

6. 配有…的;兼有…的
    If one thing comes complete with another, it has that thing as an extra or additional part.

    e.g. The diary comes complete with a gold-coloured ballpoint pen.

7. 完成的;结束的
    If something is complete, it has been finished.


    e.g. The work of restoring the farmhouse is complete...
    e.g. It'll be two years before the process is complete.

8. 结束;完成
    If you complete something, you finish doing, making, or producing it.

    e.g. Peter Mayle has just completed his first novel.
    e.g. ...the rush to get the stadiums completed on time.

The project is nearing completion...
House completions for the year should be up from 1,841 to 2,200.

9. 全部完成
      If you complete something, you do all of it.

      e.g. She completed her degree in two years...
      e.g. This book took years to complete.

10. 填写(表格或问卷)
      If you complete a form or questionnaire, you write the answers or information asked for in it.

      e.g. Simply complete the coupon below...
      e.g. We ask candidates to complete a psychometric questionnaire...

11. 全面的;全能的
      You can use complete to emphasize that someone is skilled at all aspects of a particular activity and is therefore the best example of that kind of person.


      e.g. He was the complete all-round journalist.

complete 单语例句

1. Chow Tai Fook wants these two projects to form a complete business value chain from overall resources development to production and operations.

2. Although Six Sigma started off as a QA system, it has now grown into a complete business management programme.

3. We have a significant presence in China what we call a complete business operation.

4. The gang was managed by business models and had formed a comparatively complete structure, according to the indictment.

5. A fairly complete energy supply system is now by and large in place.

6. He also wore an ID badge and carried a large calculator to complete the getup.

7. Some customers who tried to activate the phone at home got messages that the process could take 48 hours to complete.

8. He said the company's plans do not call for bringing production to a " complete halt ".

9. Parents call for complete relief of making travel arrangements and are willing to pay for it.

10. Kraft has said it wants to get the majority shareholder votes by January 5, but it can take until February to complete the process under regulations.

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