
completely是什么意思 completely在线翻译 completely什么意思 completely的意思 completely的翻译 completely的解释 completely的发音 completely的同义词

completely [kəmˈpli:tli]  [kəmˈpliːtli] 

completely 基本解释

副词完全地; 完整地; 完全,彻底,全部,一干二净; 很,非常,充分,十分,万分

completely 反义词


completely 相关例句


1. I had forgotten it completely.

2. His account of the bank robbery was completely fictitious.

3. I trust him completely.

completely 情景对话


A:That dress is too expensive.

B:But it’s so pretty.

A:Yes, it is pretty, but it costs $200. What about this one? It’s almost the same, but it costs half as much.

B:It’s not the same. It’s completely different.

A:It’s just a little shorter.

B:I really like this one.


A:Well, it’s your money. You can spend it however you want.

B:Do you really think it’s pretty?

A:Yeah. It’s pretty.

completely 网络解释

1. 完全:o认知上的差距是巨大的:早在1985年,在1,200万个被归为乡镇企业的商业机构中,有1,000万个是完全(completely)且明显(manifestly)私有的. o二十世纪八十年代中期到九十年代中期之间,在乡镇企业领域几乎每个单一的纯粹的(net)的参与者都是私营的乡镇企业;

2. 彻底:上述通讯社接到的草案,敦促北韩立即(immediately)以可验证(verifiable)、不可逆(irreversible)的方式彻底(completely)解除核武器计划,并全面履行<<核不扩散条约(NPT)>>义务.

3. 十分:complete 完成 | completely 十分 | completeness 完全

4. 完全的:11 WOMAN IN LOVE 恋爱中的女人 | 12 COMPLETELY 完全的 | 13 HAVE YOU EVER REALLY LOVED A WOMAN 你曾经爱过一个女人吗?

completely 单语例句


1. Butterfly's only real distinctive feature is a green lizard, which seems completely disinterested in house music and lives in a box downstairs.

2. A nearby agriculture office crowded with farmers who had come to buy fertilizer was also completely destroyed and power to the area was cut off.

3. It is gratifying to see that Northeast China's Liaoning Province recently carried out an employment relief act to help completely unemployed families.

4. He said he expected the city's water supply to be completely restored by Friday night.

5. And the " Waves " are characterized by completely changing the order of the stone settings and lines.

6. While the dishes did not completely satiate our Cantonese cravings, the ambiance itself satisfied our'3 C's'and made for a pleasant evening.

7. Even so, to call it the German Letter Building in English was completely wrong.

8. If I had texted it would have been seen as intrusive - and a telephone call completely over the top.

9. The current prototype also gives the option of powering it with lithium ion batteries making it completely portable for camping and outdoor sportsman activities.

10. This perception has attracted huge capital from different domestic industries, which completely distorted its structure and development pattern.

completely 英英释义


1. to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly')

    e.g. he was wholly convinced
           entirely satisfied with the meal
           it was completely different from what we expected
           was completely at fault
           a totally new situation
           the directions were all wrong
           it was not altogether her fault
           an altogether new approach
           a whole new idea

    Synonym: whollyentirelytotallyallaltogetherwhole

2. so as to be complete
    with everything necessary

    e.g. he had filled out the form completely
           the apartment was completely furnished

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