
con是什么意思 con在线翻译 con什么意思 con的意思 con的翻译 con的解释 con的发音 con的同义词 con的反义词 con的例句 con的相关词组

con [kɒn]  [kɑ:n] 


con 基本解释

名词反对票,反对者; 反对的论点,反对的理由

及物动词精读,熟读; 默记,谙记

介词反对; 以…,用…



con 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. They've conned me out of all my money.

con 网络解释

1. con的解释

1. 體質:力量(STR)的影響細節敏捷(DEX)的影響細節體質(CON)的影響細節智力(INT)的影響細節:精神(MEN)的影響細節智慧(WIT)的影響細節

2. 體格:依照规则,人物的基本属性有命运(Des)、智慧(Wis)和体格(Con)三类. 所有属性的取得公式均为20d6-20,且属性范围为[0,255]. 体格,缩写为Con,它便是人物三大基本属性的最后一个. 体格,指躯体的身材高矮、发育情况、外观或力量等,

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 同:ect) 检查共同(con)的感觉(sent)同意没有(de)希望(sper) 绝望分开(dis)给予(tribut)分配前面(pre)就座(sid) 总统关闭(clud)在外面(ex) 除外在前面(pro)喊叫(voke)就是挑衅争论是不(dis)计算(pute)后果的行为事前(pre)做出判断(judice)是偏见共同(com)追求(pet)一个目标,

4. 用:但也有结果的意思. 共同作用(con)后的结果(sequence),当然就指后果啦!...

5. con:coordinator overlay network; 元数据管理

6. con:concentrator; 集线器,集中器

7. con在线翻译

7. con:concentration; 专注力

8. con:certificate of need; 需求证明书

con 词典解释

1. 哄骗;骗
    If someone cons you, they persuade you to do something or believe something by telling you things that are not true.


    e.g. He claimed that the businessman had conned him of £10,000...
    e.g. White conned his way into a job as a ware-houseman with Dutch airline, KLM...

2. 骗局;诡计
    A con is a trick in which someone deceives you by telling you something that is not true.


    e.g. Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con...
    e.g. She is the victim of a big con trick.

3. 同 convict
    A con is the same as a convict .

4. see also: mod cons
    pros and cons -> see pro

con 单语例句

1. Hollywood took over downtown San Diego on Thursday as the giant annual Comic Con convention kicked off a four day celebration of pop culture.

2. Con's idol since childhood is her mother's friend Marlene Silverman.

3. Beijing's Fengtai district police arrested a group of 22 con artists on Tuesday that had duped more than 500 enterprises into buying false quality certificates.

4. Hackers may con their way into a phone network by posing as phone company tech employees to get passwords into the network.

5. Miao's father arrived and explained that his son had met a con man, who swindled him out of all his savings before the lunar new year.

6. Hill is a salesman who tries to con a group of folks in Iowa into buying some imaginary musical instruments and band uniforms.

7. Beijing police yesterday released details of a number of scams that they said were being widely used to con people throughout the city.

8. People who use online recruitment agencies are also prone to being targeted by fraudsters looking to con them out of cash.

9. Liu had complained Lin was a con woman who had fooled him of his money and cheated his feelings.

10. Police said the suspects worked with a tour agency and used an elaborate scheme to con travelers.

con 英英释义



1. a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property

    Synonym: buncobunco gamebunkobunko gameconfidence trickconfidence gamecon gamegyphustlestingflimflam

2. an argument opposed to a proposal

3. a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison

    Synonym: convictinmateyard birdyardbird


1. commit to memory
    learn by heart

    e.g. Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?

    Synonym: memorizememoriselearn

2. deprive of by deceit

    e.g. He swindled me out of my inheritance
           She defrauded the customers who trusted her
           the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change

    Synonym: victimizeswindlerookgoldbricknobblediddlebuncodefraudscammulctgypgiphornswoggleshort-change


1. in opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc.

    e.g. much was written pro and con

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