
concentrated是什么意思 concentrated在线翻译 concentrated什么意思 concentrated的意思 concentrated的翻译 concentrated的解释 concentrated的发音

concentrated [ˈkɒnsntreɪtɪd]  [ˈkɑ:nsntreɪtɪd] 


concentrated 基本解释

形容词集中的; 浓缩的; 全神贯注的; 汰选出来的

动词集中(concentrate的过去分词); 聚集,集结; 凝缩,浓缩; [矿]汰选

concentrated 网络解释

1. 集中的:具体地看,组织资源的配置可以是集中的(concentrated)的,也可以是散布的(diffused). 为了论述的方便,我们可以把集中的社区组织资源称为行政化的介入,而把散布的社区组织资源称为社会化的介入. 行政化介入,在邻里社会中导致了一种独特的组织资源结构关系,

2. 集中的, 浓缩的:hierarchy of set 集的谱系 | concentrated 集中的, 浓缩的 | windscreen 风档玻璃

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. concentrated:conc; 集中的(数据)

concentrated 词典解释

1. 浓缩的
    A concentrated liquid has been increased in strength by having water removed from it.

    e.g. Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or concentrated apple or pear juice.

2. (活动)集中的,密集的
    A concentrated activity is directed with great intensity in one place.

    e.g. ...a more concentrated effort to reach out to troubled kids.

concentrated 单语例句


1. That book concentrated on theories while Capital Ideas Evolving shows how these theories have become fundamental structure in the investment business.

2. Many of the highest jobless rates were concentrated in California, which got walloped after the booming housing market went bust.

3. Its per capita share of water is half the national average with 70 percent of its supply concentrated in the southern parts of the province.

4. At the same time, the city is taking active measures to build up concentrated outsourcing zones.

5. Taiwan's concentrated attack on the Four Cardinal Principles shows precisely that we cannot discard them.

6. The study also showed the country's wealth was very much concentrated in certain individual groups and regions.

7. The first two phases of the Three Gorges Project were concentrated chiefly along the northern bank.

8. This makes the chimpanzee reproductive profile much longer and flatter than that of humans, whose procreation is concentrated from age 25 to 35.

9. Penfolds Grange 1983 is highly concentrated, showing extract and tannins balanced with sweet plummy fruit and showing some " cigar box " characters.

10. A concentrated mixture of chemicals is then pumped through the pipes, sinking into the clay below and leaching out rare earth metals as it passes.

concentrated 英英释义



1. gathered together or made less diffuse

    e.g. their concentrated efforts
           his concentrated attention
           concentrated study
           a narrow thread of concentrated ore

2. of or relating to a solution whose dilution has been reduced

3. being the most concentrated solution possible at a given temperature
    unable to dissolve still more of a substance

    e.g. a saturated solution

    Synonym: saturated

4. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source

    Synonym: hard

5. intensely focused

    e.g. her concentrated passion held them at bay

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