
concord是什么意思 concord在线翻译 concord什么意思 concord的意思 concord的翻译 concord的解释 concord的发音 concord的同义词 concord的反义词

concord [ˈkɒŋkɔ:d]  [ˈkɑ:ŋkɔ:rd] 


concord 基本解释


concord 相关例句


1. The two tribes lived in concord.

2. These neighboring states had lived in concord for centuries.

concord 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 君皇表:君皇表(concord)在20世纪初,由两名年轻的制表大师创立,以制造高品质的时计为宗旨,其中的一个系列更具有精密、复杂的计时功能,展示出君皇表不凡的气魄,在1979和1980年间,他们分别制造了1.98mm和1mm超薄型手表,成为表坛的一时佳话.

2. 君皇:君皇(CONCORD) 滑雪: 君皇(CONCORD) C1 WORLDTIMER运动腕表 不锈钢表壳经过DLC涂层(类似钻石的碳质物料)处理,具有防腐蚀性、防划性和坚硬性. 9时位置的双时区显示器经过悉心的安排,拥有充足的空间来显示时间. 只需按一下置于2时位置的按钮,

concord 词典解释

1. 和谐;协调
    Concord is a state of peaceful agreement.

    e.g. They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.

2. (语法中数、性等的)一致
    In grammar, concord refers to the way that a word has a form appropriate to the number or gender of the noun or pronoun it relates to. For example, in 'He hates it', there is concord between the singular form of the verb and the singular pronoun 'he'.


concord 单语例句


1. Purple concord grape juice had by far the highest levels and range of phenolic antioxidants, which are found in plants.

2. A large number of veterans gathered in Abidjan on Saturday night for a meeting to help achieve the concord and cohesion.

3. Two rooming houses turned Guay away when he returned to Concord last week.

4. The battle of Concord and its " shot heard round the world " would mark the unofficial beginning of the colonies war for Independence.

5. History has proven that only by living in concord and joining forces can we overcome the difficulties that may arise.

6. She said concord between the two sides has not improved since Hong Kong's launch of the accountability system for principal officials.

7. The Sunni Arab National Concord Front Thursday also boycotted an emergency meeting of national leaders called by Talabani in a bid to restore calm.

8. It called for efforts to strive for a situation where family is in concord, society is in harmony and the world is peaceful.

9. Following the battles at Lexington and Concord, the Massachusetts colony organized a group that captured Fort Ticonderoga.

10. He said China advocates concord, solidarity and common progress between its different ethnic groups.


concord 英英释义


1. agreement of opinions

    Synonym: harmonyconcordance

2. the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations

    Synonym: agreement

3. a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds)
    congruity of parts with one another and with the whole

    Synonym: harmonyconcordance


1. be in accord
    be in agreement

    e.g. We agreed on the terms of the settlement
           I can't agree with you!
           I hold with those who say life is sacred
           Both philosophers concord on this point

    Synonym: agreeholdconcur

2. arrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance

    e.g. The team concorded several thousand nouns, verbs, and adjectives

3. arrange by concord or agreement

    e.g. Concord the conditions for the marriage of the Prince of Wales with a commoner

4. go together

    e.g. The colors don't harmonize
           Their ideas concorded

    Synonym: harmonizeharmoniseconsortaccordfit inagree

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