
confined是什么意思 confined在线翻译 confined什么意思 confined的意思 confined的翻译 confined的解释 confined的发音 confined的同义词

confined [kənˈfaɪnd]  [kənˈfaɪnd] 


confined 基本解释


形容词(指空间)有限的,受限制的; 狭窄的; 幽禁的; 封闭的

动词局限于; 限制( confine的过去式和过去分词); 禁闭; 管制

confined 相关例句


1. The young mother is confined now.

2. The tree has grown sturdy even in this confined space.

3. A fox saw a lion confined in a cage.

4. For several days Kevin was confined to his room.

confined 网络解释

1. confined

1. 局限:使得此微观相分离将伴随界相上的热焓(enthapy)降低和分子链因排整拉伸导致乱度(entropy)的下降,以及化学键结所在的位动力相对於微观相分离强度(TODT)与非结晶链段玻璃转换温而使最终形态产生局限(confined)的形态即保留原本层板微相分离的强偏析限制,

2. 被限制的 limited 限制的:48 condone 宽恕 mercy 宽恕 | 49 confined 被限制的 limited 限制的 | 50 conflict 冲突 opposition 相反

3. 有限的:confined space 有限空间 | confined 有限的 | confined-space entry and rescue 封闭空间的进入和援救

4. confined的翻译

4. 被限制的:confine 监禁 | confined 被限制的 | confinement 限制

confined 词典解释

1. 受限制的;被限定的
    If something is confined to a particular place, it exists only in that place. If it is confined to a particular group, only members of that group have it.

    e.g. The problem is not confined to Germany...
    e.g. These dangers are not confined to smokers.

2. (空间或面积)有限的,狭小的
    A confined space or area is small and enclosed by walls.


    e.g. His long legs bent up in the confined space.

3. (因残疾或生病)受困于…的
    If someone is confined to a wheelchair, bed, or house, they have to stay there, because they are disabled or ill.


    e.g. He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood.

confined 单语例句

1. The descendants of Franklin's trees are confined to a few thousand square miles of coastal plain in northern Georgia and southern South Carolina.

2. In addition, questions of product quality and safety are not confined to China in today's world.

3. The new policy has removed the household registration barrier, which confined the clergy's access to social security services to their home towns.

4. Unjustly confined to the elephant's graveyard of Maoming Nan Lu, this authentic Moroccan restaurant has been thriving on recommendations from its satisfied clientele.

5. When his colleagues found him, he was stiff from being confined in the cold for so long.

6. " Innovative design was used to turn the confined space into a comfortable living area, " Mo said.

7. Taliban fighters who had banned education for girls and confined women to houses during their reign collapsed in late 2001 have yet to make comment.

8. During its rule which collapsed in late 2001, the Taliban regime had banned school for girls and confined women to their houses.

9. They spend most of the time confined to the four walls of their homes, where the only two possible things they can indulge in are television and computers.

10. Chinese women traditionally are confined indoors for a month after delivering a baby because they are apparently susceptible to various gynecological diseases.

confined 英英释义


1. not free to move about

2. being in captivity

    Synonym: captiveimprisonedjailed

3. not invading healthy tissue

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