
confinement是什么意思 confinement在线翻译 confinement什么意思 confinement的意思 confinement的翻译 confinement的解释 confinement的发音

confinement [kənˈfaɪnmənt]  [kənˈfaɪnmənt] 


confinement 基本解释

名词监禁,关押; 分娩,生产; 限制,约束

confinement 相关例句


1. He was placed in confinement.

2. When does she expect her confinement?

confinement 网络解释

1. 限制:由成大航太科技中心研究员李聪盛博士主持.本第三年计画以整合过去两年对漩涡燃烧污染生成之研究成果和所发展之雷射PLIF与Raman等量测技术,针对与前两年之漩涡火焰不同的气涡轮燃烧室之高压与燃烧室壁之包围限制(confinement)所造成其漩涡紊流混合与燃烧和污染生成机构的改变进行研究,

2. confinement的近义词

2. 禁闭:Lampson 通过对程序的禁闭(confinement)问题的研究提出了隐通道(covert channel)的概念[LAMP1973]. 研究的背景是程序的调用与信息的传送,设程序B 是由程序A 调用运行的,所谓对程序B 的禁闭就是指,制止程序B 在运行期间向其它程序(程序A 除外)传送信息.

3. confinement什么意思

3. 監禁:其治疗方式包括导正感化(moral support)、隔离监禁(confinement)等等. 患者对治疗措施的反应如何并无从得知,但据不少病患从医院逃跑的情况来看,显示绝大多数并非自愿或被骗才进入禁烟所,实质上并没有收到很好的效果,

confinement 词典解释

1. 监禁;关押;禁闭
    Confinement is the state of being forced to stay in a prison or another place which you cannot leave.

    e.g. She had been held in solitary confinement for four months...
    e.g. He'd obviously kept himself fit despite his years of confinement.

2. 分娩;生产
    A woman's confinement is the period of time just before and during which she gives birth to a child.

    e.g. There has been a movement to support women seeking home confinement.

confinement 单语例句

1. Pu Liang was found in solitary confinement at the camp last Thursday and is now receiving treatment at West China Second University Hospital.

2. Zhengzhou Zhongyuan District People's Court said Huang was guilty of illegal confinement.

3. It would also give industrial agriculture a stamp of approval despite its use of antibiotics, confinement and unnatural feeding practices that increase the threat of disease.

4. Lawyers for detainees have asked the high court to step in again and guarantee that the prisoners can challenge their confinement in US courts.

5. Safe containment of livestock waste is costly for farmers, especially at large confinement operations where thousands of tons of manure are produced each year.

6. The prison director said on Thursday that the convict was placed in solitary confinement for 15 days until investigations into the case are completed.

7. He faces nearly 18 years of confinement and a dishonorable discharge if convicted of charges that include negligent homicide.

8. Li alleged that the boy was placed in solitary confinement within hours of his arrival and was beaten to death for running too slowly.

9. Parker says one of the four soldiers is being held in confinement in Kuwait and the other three remain with their unit in Afghanistan.

10. Vick has been under home confinement in nearby Hampton for the past two months in completing the sentence he received in 2007.

confinement 英英释义


1. the act of restraining of a person's liberty by confining them

2. the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)

    e.g. the restriction of the infection to a focal area

    Synonym: restriction

3. the state of being confined

    e.g. he was held in confinement

4. concluding state of pregnancy
    from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child

    e.g. she was in labor for six hours

    Synonym: parturiencylaborlabourlying-intravailchildbed

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