
confuse是什么意思 confuse在线翻译 confuse什么意思 confuse的意思 confuse的翻译 confuse的解释 confuse的发音 confuse的同义词 confuse的反义词

confuse [kənˈfju:z]  [kənˈfjuz] 


confuse 基本解释

及物动词使困窘; 使混乱; 使困惑; 使更难于理解



confuse 相关例句


1. His granddaughter confused the papers on his desk.

2. We tried to confuse the enemy.

3. You confused Australia with Austria.

4. confuse的解释

4. They confused me by their conflicting advice.

5. They asked me so many questions that I got confused.

confuse 网络解释

1. 混乱:诱取点 催眠(Sleep) 地面通道混乱(Confuse) 地面通道第二梯子前右岔路尽头疗伤(Cure) 挖掘现场内部石头下可取得道具 旧钥匙(Old Key) 挖掘现场内部第二梯子附近旧钥匙(Old Key) 第一梯子进入内部后的第一路口附近在途中会看见路旁有一块巨石,

2. confuse的翻译

2. 迷乱:迷乱(Confuse)等级:18先修技能:微暗灵视 解释:迷乱这个技能会驱使敌人陷入疯狂,并且开始随机的攻击附近的怪物(或是您以及您的队友). 要特别注意的是,由于这些攻击是随机的,这表示一名在受诅咒前没有攻击您的怪物,

confuse 词典解释

1. 混淆;搞错
    If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.


    e.g. Great care is taken to avoid confusing the two types of projects...
    e.g. I can't see how anyone could confuse you with another!

Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.

2. 把…弄糊涂;使困惑
    To confuse someone means to make it difficult for them to know exactly what is happening or what to do.


    e.g. German politics surprised and confused him.

3. 搅乱;使复杂化
    To confuse a situation means to make it complicated or difficult to understand.


    e.g. To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.

confuse 单语例句

1. Some of them confuse the real world with violent games and this confusion leads to replicating violent actions and criminal behavior in the real world.

2. Another major flaw of climate change advocates is that they confuse correlation and causation.

3. A significant analysis danger comes about when people confuse cause and effect.

4. But some German media nowadays still cling to the Cold War mentality and ridiculously confuse Communist countries with Nazi Germany.

5. The British used this version as a " code name " to refer to the military site and thus confuse those spying for the Japanese.

6. I've come for a weekend away from the city and I could easily confuse my new environment with Shanghai.

7. But if different regions set different, even conflicting policies it would confuse people and throw the market into chaos.

8. Confluence of the two may confuse ordinary citizens and doctors, because their initial symptoms are very similar.

9. " Do not confuse it with other issues, " Sun told a news conference.

10. About 50 percent of those going to the polls yesterday voted on a new system - something voting advocates fear may confuse people.

confuse 英英释义



1. mistake one thing for another

    e.g. you are confusing me with the other candidate
           I mistook her for the secretary

    Synonym: confound

2. make unclear, indistinct, or blurred

    e.g. Her remarks confused the debate
           Their words obnubilate their intentions

    Synonym: blurobscureobnubilate

3. be confusing or perplexing to
    cause to be unable to think clearly

    e.g. These questions confuse even the experts
           This question completely threw me
           This question befuddled even the teacher

    Synonym: throwfoxbefuddlefuddlebedevilconfounddiscombobulate

4. assemble without order or sense

    e.g. She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence

    Synonym: jumblemix up

5. cause to feel embarrassment

    e.g. The constant attention of the young man confused her

    Synonym: flurrydisconcertput off

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