
connection是什么意思 connection在线翻译 connection什么意思 connection的意思 connection的翻译 connection的解释 connection的发音 connection的同义词

connection [kəˈnekʃn]  [kəˈnɛkʃən] 


connection 基本解释

名词连接; 联系,关系; 连接点; 亲戚

connection 相关词组

1. in connection with : 与...有关, 连同;

connection 相关例句


1. The company has connections with a number of Japanese firms.

2. There is no connection between them.

3. Do you believe that there's a connection between smoking and heart disease?

4. She is a connection of mine.

5. connection

5. The television isn't working, is there a loose connection?

connection 网络解释

1. 联接:当您的计算机和一台远程计算机建立联接(Connection)时,各种对话随之产生. 其中最常见的一种是TCP/IP的三次握手方式,对方可在三次握手过程中得知您主机的IP地址.

connection 词典解释

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 connexion

1. 关系;联系
    A connection is a relationship between two things, people, or groups.

    e.g. There was no evidence of a connection between BSE and the brain diseases recently confirmed in cats...
    e.g. The police say he had no connection with the security forces...

2. (电线或管道的)连接部分,接头
    A connection is a joint where two wires or pipes are joined together.

    e.g. Check all radiators for small leaks, especially round pipework connections.

3. (公路、铁路或空中的)交通连接,交通线
    If a place has good road, rail, or air connections, many places can be directly reached from there by car, train, or plane.


    e.g. Fukuoka has excellent air and rail connections to the rest of the country.

4. 联运;转车;转机
    If you get a connection at a station or airport, you catch a train, bus, or plane, after getting off another train, bus, or plane, in order to continue your journey.

    e.g. My flight was late and I missed the connection.

5. 关系;人脉
    Your connections are the people who you know or are related to, especially when they are in a position to help you.

    e.g. She used her connections to full advantage.

6. 关于;与…有关
    If you write or talk to someone in connection with something, you write or talk to them about that thing.

    e.g. I am writing in connection with Michael Shower's letter...
    e.g. 13 men have been questioned in connection with the murder.

7. 关于这/那一点;在这/那方面
    You say in this connection or in that connection to indicate that what you are talking about is related to what you have just mentioned.

    e.g. It is the 100th anniversary of his death. We here are having very great celebrations in this connection.

connection 单语例句

1. Morris said that shooting involved a different caliber of rifle than the other three attacks, but that authorities weren't ruling out a possible connection.

2. They plan to cooperate and carry out exchanges including constructing information networks and investing in environment promotion activities to facilitate industrial connection and transfer.

3. His job of configuring network servers and desktop computers depends a lot on having a good Internet connection.

4. Moutai's attorney acknowledged the truthfulness of that history, but said it " has no connection with the case ".

5. Three Beijing officials were arrested in connection with Zhang's case, the report said.

6. He said the low debt ratio has no connection with the restructure, instead being attributed to the increase in free cash flow.

7. Ching's royal connection began after she performed a classical recital for Prince Edward and other royal family members in 2007 at Windsor Castle.

8. Although a connection between exposure to violence and violent behaviour has been previously suggested, it is difficult to show a direct causal link.

9. But even though yawning and drowsiness occur together, no experiment has shown a causal connection.

10. Five men have been charged in connection with the Paradise Hotel attack.

connection 英英释义


1. the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)

    e.g. the joining of hands around the table
           there was a connection via the internet

    Synonym: joiningconnexion

2. shifting from one form of transportation to another

    e.g. the plane was late and he missed his connection in Atlanta

    Synonym: connexion

3. an instrumentality that connects

    e.g. he soldered the connection
           he didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers

    Synonym: connexionconnectorconnecterconnective

4. the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination

    e.g. conditioning is a form of learning by association

    Synonym: associationconnexion

5. a supplier (especially of narcotics)

6. (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship)

    e.g. he has powerful connections

7. a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it)

    e.g. there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare

    Synonym: connexionconnectedness

8. a connecting shape

    Synonym: connexionlink

9. the state of being connected

    e.g. the connection between church and state is inescapable

    Synonym: linkconnectedness

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