
conquer是什么意思 conquer在线翻译 conquer什么意思 conquer的意思 conquer的翻译 conquer的解释 conquer的发音 conquer的同义词 conquer的反义词

conquer [ˈkɒŋkə(r)]  [ˈkɑ:ŋkə(r)] 


conquer 基本解释

及物动词征服; 克服; 攻克; 打败(敌人)


conquer 相关例句


1. Man can conquer nature.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The city was conquered overnight.

3. The singer conquered the hearts of his audience.

4. conquer的近义词

4. Man has yet to conquer the stars.

5. I finally conquered my fear of heights.

conquer 网络解释

1. 克服:用第二个磁场短时轰击这些原子核,使其脱离第一个磁场阵列. 扫描仪上的线圈探测到这些磁场变化,并以此构建出患者受检部位的图谱. 几秒钟后,原子核沿磁场方向重新排列,同时放射出少量热能或者无线电波(较少见). ②overcome 克服(conquer)

2. 征服,克服:connote 含意,暗示 | conquer 征服,克服 | conquest 征服

3. conquer的近义词

3. 征服.占领:voyage n 航行.航海 | conquer 征服.占领 | because of 因为

conquer 词典解释

1. 占领;征服
    If one country or group of people conquers another, they take complete control of their land.

    e.g. During 1936, Mussolini conquered Abyssinia...
    e.g. Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings.

2. 克服;攻克
    If you conquer something such as a problem, you succeed in ending it or dealing with it successfully.

    e.g. I was certain that love was quite enough to conquer our differences...
    e.g. He has never conquered his addiction to smoking.

conquer 单语例句

1. He called on Japan to work jointly with China to conquer the current difficulties and make active efforts for the development of bilateral relations.

2. We don't want to conquer it but to appreciate and coexist with it.

3. Frightened to see the Germany's Wagner conquer the opera world, the Italians were expecting a new big Italian composer and a new masterpiece.

4. " No company can conquer all the markets, " Pei said.

5. Qin Shi Huang wanted to have soldiers in the afterworld to protect him, and maybe allow him to conquer heaven as he had in China.

6. In its annual report last year it said it had set itself a target " to conquer 1 billion new customers in the next decade ".

7. The roads to Litang were once the most treacherous in China, and many adventurers died trying to conquer this harsh area.

8. It took more than 10 years for the US to conquer inflation and restart its economy through the pursuit of innovation in finance and technology.

9. The move is seen as a bid to counter the difficulties many Chinese automakers have faced when attempting to conquer the lucrative European market.

10. We can build a healthier society only by helping fellow humans conquer their weaknesses and find inner peace.


conquer 英英释义


1. to put down by force or authority

    e.g. suppress a nascent uprising
           stamp down on littering
           conquer one's desires

    Synonym: suppressstamp downinhibitsubduecurb

2. overcome by conquest

    e.g. conquer your fears
           conquer a country

3. take possession of by force, as after an invasion

    e.g. the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants
           The army seized the town
           The militia captured the castle

    Synonym: appropriatecaptureseize

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