
considered是什么意思 considered在线翻译 considered什么意思 considered的意思 considered的翻译 considered的解释 considered的发音 considered的同义词

considered [kən'sɪdəd]  [kənˈsɪdəd] 


considered 基本解释

形容词经过仔细考虑的; 经过深思熟虑的; 受尊敬的; 经过深思熟虑的看法

动词考虑( consider的过去式和过去分词); 想; 注意; 看重

considered 相关例句


1. All things considered, it is a good plan, and a feasible one at that.

considered 情景对话


A:You know, Ralph, since I started speaking English all the time my pronunciation's getting better and even the grammar's beginning to make some sense. But I don't think I'll ever be able to spell.

B:You're not alone there.I have trouble with spelling too. When I was in grade school. I learned which words were the most frequently misspelled. But I never did learn how to spell them.
      不是你一个人如此。我在拼音方面也有困难。当我上小学的时候,我知道哪些词是经常拼错的, 但我没有学会如何拼这些词。

A:Since it's so difficult, why is it so important to learn how to spell properly?

B:Because if you spell satisfactorily, you're considered educated.If you don't, you're not.
      因为如果你能准确无误地拼音,人家就会把你看作受到教育的人。 否则,在别人眼里你是个缺乏教育的人。

considered 网络解释

1. 深思熟虑的:所有的演示报告都是由Darcy和她的长期工作同事Sarah Severn共同指导的新一代产品领导者制作的,有趣的是,这些领导者绝大部分是女性,她们目前正在领导着她们所称之为'深思熟虑的(Considered)'项目.

2. 考虑过的:considered as a whole 被视为整体 | considered 考虑过的 | considering 考虑

3. 考虑过的/被尊重的:considered as a whole || 被视为整体 | considered || 考虑过的, 被尊重的 | considering || 考虑,顾及,认为 鉴于,考虑到,顾及

considered 词典解释

1. 经过慎重思考的;经过深思熟虑的
    A considered opinion or act is the result of careful thought.

    e.g. Obviously it was Anne's considered opinion that Mavis was a bold-faced liar...
    e.g. We would hope to be able to give a considered response to the unions' proposals by the end of the year.

considered 单语例句

1. China's wind energy resources represent a significant new energy business opportunity and are considered to be among the world's best.

2. While such gift giving is considered general business practice in China, it can be viewed as a bribe in other countries.

3. A Beijing Business Today report quoted Zhuang as saying the company does not have a production base here and has never considered setting up one.

4. The Renmin University Business School's MBA program is considered one of the best in China.

5. Considered by many to be the best NBA player of all time, the highly marketed sports figure is a savvy businessman as well.

6. Pan said she initially considered calling the police, but then decided to try to persuade the young man to return her bag.

7. The assessments by Petraeus and Crocker are intended to be considered equally.

8. The CPC has considered good governance by means of law and virtue, which combines the Confucian and the Legalist approaches.

9. The Eurasian continental corridor is considered a favorable choice for cargo transport between the two continents because it takes less time than shipping by sea.

10. The tombstone is still visible today and is considered by tourists as a symbol of love.

considered 英英释义


1. carefully weighed

    e.g. a considered opinion

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