
consistency是什么意思 consistency在线翻译 consistency什么意思 consistency的意思 consistency的翻译 consistency的解释 consistency的发音

consistency [kənˈsɪstənsi]  [kənˈsɪstənsi] 


consistency 基本解释

名词浓度; 连贯; 符合; 前后一致


consistency 相关例句


1. There is no consistency between the movie and the book.

2. To make this cake you must first mix butter and sugar to the consistency of thick cream.

3. These accounts show no consistency.

consistency 网络解释

1. consistency

1. 稳定性:除了bug的修复和稳定性(consistency)的提高,此次发布的另一主要特性就是在编译速度方面的提高了. 我们一直在致力于Groovy性能的提高,而编译速度的提升也是Groovy整体性能的一部分,现在我们已经努力的做到了,

2. 稠度:此种软硬的程度,又称为稠度(Consistency),其单位:1/10mm. 稠度易因下列各因素而变化:皂基种类及份量,含水量,制造时搅拌的程度,冷却的速度,储存的温度等五项.

3. 一致性原则:一致性原则(consistency) 一致性原则亦称一贯性原则,属财务会计原则之一,指各个 会计期间所用的会计方法和程序应当相同,不得随意变更. 违反一致性原则就会造成会计 ...

consistency 词典解释

1. 连贯性;一致性
    Consistency is the quality or condition of being consistent.


    e.g. He scores goals with remarkable consistency...
    e.g. There's always a lack of consistency in matters of foreign policy.

2. 稠度;平滑度
    The consistency of a substance is how thick or smooth it is.


    e.g. Dilute the paint with water until it is the consistency of milk...
    e.g. I added a little milk to mix the dough to the right consistency.

consistency 单语例句

1. " This just showed our consistency in business operation and growth, " said Sina CEO Wang Yan yesterday.

2. Wen said future administrative legislation should put people's interests first, adhere to reforms and innovation and uphold legislative consistency.

3. Office applications are more concerned about factors like contrast, viewing angle and color consistency.

4. " The biggest thing about Aaron is consistency, " Adelman said.

5. He pledged a consistency in the policy supports to farmers and agricultural provinces during his trip to oversee grain production in Henan Province in May.

6. The US decision to hold another military drill in the Yellow Sea shows its lack of consistency and sincerity in addressing security issues with China.

7. The first national law on population and family planning which took effect last year maintains the consistency of the policy in curbing population expansion.

8. Li said he has to improve both his degree of difficulty and his consistency landing in order to have better results in international competitions.

9. The central government would preserve the consistency and stability of favorable policies towards Tibet and further improve policy support and financial investment in the region.

10. The degree of difficulty and consistency of techniques determine the winners in the sport, and the Chinese diving team has lost the lead in both areas.

consistency 英英释义


1. a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts

    Synonym: consistence

2. (logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another

3. the property of holding together and retaining its shape

    e.g. wool has more body than rayon
           when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake

    Synonym: consistenceeubstancebody

4. logical coherence and accordance with the facts

    e.g. a rambling argument that lacked any consistency

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