
console是什么意思 console在线翻译 console什么意思 console的意思 console的翻译 console的解释 console的发音 console的同义词 console的反义词

console [kən'səʊl]  [kənˈsoʊl] 


console 基本解释



名词控制台,操纵台; 演奏台; 悬臂; 肘托

console 相关例句


1. console什么意思

1. She consoled him with soft words.

2. console的反义词

2. We tried to console her when her mother died but it was very difficult.


1. I'll buy a console radio.

console 网络解释

1. 系统控制台:问: 工作站之系统控制台(Console)一般价格都比较昂贵,能否通过RS232C接口用VT 100终端来代替系统控制台?

2. 调音台:在音轨窗下面的空间,可分别放置虚拟钢琴(Visual Piano)、钢琴卷帘(Piano Roll)、五线谱(Staff)、歌词(Lyrics)、调音台(Console)、音频(Audio)、视频(Video)等其它应用窗口,为作曲提供最大的方便.

3. 安慰:.人们自我安慰(console)的本能大部分时间能平复伤口,但有时也能成为不思进取的合理解释. .善于推功揽过,实际上是中华传统美德. 谦逊(humble)点总不是错,能学到东西. 推功在当今推崇个性,张扬自我的社会稍有些过时,有功,

console 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /kən'səʊl/. The noun is pronounced /'kɒnsəʊl/. 动词读作 /kən'səʊl/,名词读作 /'kɒnsəʊl/。

1. 安慰;慰藉;安抚
    If you console someone who is unhappy about something, you try to make them feel more cheerful.

    e.g. 'Never mind, Ned,' he consoled me...
    e.g. Often they cry, and I have to play the role of a mother, consoling them...

It is not a consoling thought to Germans to see that Americans have the same kind of problem, too.
The only consolation for the Scottish theatre community is that they look likely to get another chance...
He knew then he was right, but it was no consolation.

2. (机器的)操纵台,控制台,仪表板
    A console is a panel with a number of switches or knobs that is used to operate a machine.

console 单语例句

1. By comparison there are nine cores on the sophisticated chips that power the Sony PlayStation 3 games console.

2. The new equipment has a location function, which allows the central console to locate firefighters and determine residual air.

3. It was not immediately clear whether the console sold out at all retailers, and Sony said that information would not be available for several days.

4. Koizumi insists his pilgrimages reaffirm Japan's commitment to peace and console the souls for those who died for the country.

5. The PSP is a portable game console manufactured and marketed by Sony Computer Entertainment.

6. The county government has organized an investigation team to reach an overall conclusion about the fatal accident and console the relatives of Li.

7. Friends and relatives will present cash to congratulate or console the family, which also offers opportunities for officials to accept bribes.

8. Luo called the device a " home sports and entertainment console ".

9. Microsoft's Xbox 360 video game console will be $ 50 cheaper from today, confirming fuzzy snapshots of leaked advertisements posted by bloggers in late July.

10. Just because girls reject or dump them, men console themselves by calling those girls the mistresses of businessmen.

console 英英释义



1. housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television

    Synonym: cabinet

2. an ornamental scroll-shaped bracket (especially one used to support a wall fixture)

    e.g. the bust of Napoleon stood on a console

3. a scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input device that an operator can use to monitor and control a system (especially a computer system)

4. a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall

    Synonym: console table


1. give moral or emotional strength to

    Synonym: comfortsoothesolace

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