
constrain是什么意思 constrain在线翻译 constrain什么意思 constrain的意思 constrain的翻译 constrain的解释 constrain的发音 constrain的同义词

constrain [kənˈstreɪn]  [kənˈstren] 


constrain 基本解释

及物动词约束; 限制; 强迫; 强使

constrain 相关例句


1. Cold weather constrained the plant's growth.

2. I felt constrained to do what I was unwilling to do myself.

3. I feel constrained to write and protest the decision.

4. Our research has been constrained by lack of cash.

5. I feel constrained to write and ask for your forgiveness.

constrain 网络解释

1. 强迫:)最新進展是利用 DNA 連接器(DNA linker)將某些塗布 DNA 的奈米粒子附加到一固態表面上,以更進一步強迫(constrain)與控制這些奈米粒子能如何連接. 這產生了更大的精密性,也因此是一種更可預測的、可重製的高生產量建構技術,

2. 约束:软件体系结构={构件(component),连接件(connector),约束(constrain)}.其中构件可以是一组代码,如程序的模块;也可以是一个独立的程序,如数据库服务器. 连接件可以是过程调用、管道、远程过程调用(RPC)等,用于表示构件之间的相互作用.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 等比例:系统常数 constants, system | 等比例 constrain | 强制等比例 constrain proportions

constrain 词典解释

1. 约束;限制;强迫
    To constrain someone or something means to limit their development or force them to behave in a particular way.


    e.g. Women are too often constrained by family commitments and by low expectations...
    e.g. How can we produce top-class engineers when universities are constrained to offer salaries that can only attract mediocre staff?...

These will be very constrained budgets designed to get the deficit down.

2. 觉得被迫(做某事)
    If you feel constrained to do something, you feel that you must do it, even though you would prefer not to.


    e.g. For some reason he felt constrained to lower his voice.

constrain 单语例句

1. It is desirable to constrain leverage, but not to the point of increasing the cost of capital and investment.

2. " Work habits began to constrain vacation habits, " he said.

3. The main lesson from the first half of this period is that government policies regulating and limiting small farmers'participation can constrain development.

4. But because of global interdependency, domestic rate decisions in vital economies can today facilitate or constrain growth worldwide.

5. Future glacial melting could impact water supplies and constrain the ability of communities to sustain their hard won development achievements.

6. I am aware that maintaining too narrow of a focus can sometimes lead to rigidity and constrain creativity.

7. China's property market is showing signs of recovery after the central government implemented a series of measures in late September to constrain soaring prices.

8. Prices for steelmaking coal are rising on demand from China and as heavy rain and flooding in Australia's Queensland constrain exports.

9. Zhang said the passive appreciation of the yuan as a direct result of the weaker dollar will constrain China's exports.

10. He urged the Philippines to constrain its words and deeds and do more things that are conducive to the development of bilateral ties.

constrain 英英释义


1. restrict

    e.g. Tighten the rules
           stiffen the regulations

    Synonym: stiffentightentighten up

2. hold back

    Synonym: restrainencumbercumber

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