
consumption是什么意思 consumption在线翻译 consumption什么意思 consumption的意思 consumption的翻译 consumption的解释 consumption的发音

consumption [kənˈsʌmpʃn]  [kənˈsʌmpʃən] 


consumption 基本解释

名词消费; 肺病; 耗尽; [医学]消耗性疾病

consumption 同义词

consumption 反义词

consumption 相关例句


1. The petrol consumption of the big car as very high.

2. There's too great a consumption of alcohol in Britain.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. This food is for our consumption on the trip.

consumption 网络解释

1. 消费 消费:1.消费 消费(Consumption)是指人们为了满足生产或生活需要而对物质产品和服务进行消耗的过程. 根据消费的性质,可将其分为生产性消费和生活性消费两种. 生产性消费是指在生产过程中对生产资料和劳动力的使用与消耗.

2. 消耗量:质量 quality. | 消耗量 consumption. | 原材料 feedstock.

consumption 词典解释

1. (燃料、自然资源的)消耗量,消费量
    The consumption of fuel or natural resources is the amount of them that is used or the act of using them.


    e.g. The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.
    e.g. ...a tax on the consumption of non-renewable energy resources.

2. 吃;喝;饮用
    The consumption of food or drink is the act of eating or drinking something, or the amount that is eaten or drunk.


    e.g. Most of the wine was unfit for human consumption...
    e.g. The average daily consumption of fruit and vegetables is around 200 grams...

3. 消费
    Consumption is the act of buying and using things.


    e.g. Recycling the waste from our increased consumption is better than burning it.
    e.g. The production and consumption of goods and services is the ultimate aim of all economic endeavour.

4. 供(某人或某个群体)使用,享用
    If you do or say something for a particular person's or group's consumption, you do or say it especially for them, although your private thoughts or plans may be very different.

    e.g. The hard-line speech appears to be mostly for domestic consumption...
    e.g. The report was obviously designed for the consumption of members of the War Committee.

5. 同 tuberculosis
    Consumption is the same as tuberculosis .


6. see also: conspicuous consumption

consumption 单语例句

1. Other economic indicators such as electricity consumption and shipping rates are also climbing, reflecting stronger business activity.

2. Those items mainly include tariff duties, consumption tax and business tax.

3. Such a consumption pattern reflects that the symptomatic or symbolic value of a product for the buyer is much higher than its use value.

4. A stronger yuan would increase the buying power of Chinese consumers, helping to increase domestic consumption and reducing reliance on exports.

5. China has set a bold target to trim the energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product by 20 percent by 2010.

6. Instead I was confronted by the ugly reality of excessive alcohol consumption the minute my compatriot stumbled into my view.

7. Total food consumption by normal weight children rose by 84 per cent after seeing the snack food advertisements.

8. Cab drivers must pay an additional 180 yuan each month after the oil price increase, based on an average oil consumption of 20 liters per day.

9. The cabinet also urged more efforts to construct a nationwide industrial system that allows recycling of renewable resources and encourages green consumption.

10. The women reported an average caffeine consumption during pregnancy of 159 milligrams per day, lower than new recommended limits of 200 milligrams in Britain.

consumption 英英释义


1. the act of consuming something

    Synonym: using upexpenditure

2. the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)

    Synonym: ingestionintakeuptake

3. (economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing

    e.g. the consumption of energy has increased steadily

    Synonym: economic consumptionusanceuseuse of goods and services

4. involving the lungs with progressive wasting of the body

    Synonym: pulmonary tuberculosisphthisiswasting diseasewhite plague

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