
contagion是什么意思 contagion在线翻译 contagion什么意思 contagion的意思 contagion的翻译 contagion的解释 contagion的发音 contagion的同义词

contagion [kənˈteɪdʒən]  [kənˈtedʒən] 


contagion 基本解释

名词传染; 接触传染; 道德败坏; 歪风

contagion 相关例句


1. contagion的反义词

1. A contagion of fear swept through the crowd.

contagion 网络解释

1. contagion

1. 感染:旨在揭示集体行为的理论可分为三类:第一类理论(如勒邦的理论),根据感染(contagion),情绪的迅速传播以及不加批判地接受指挥等来解释行为;第二类理论用具有相似的预先倾向、观念和目标的人们的趋同现象(convergence)来描述集体行为;

2. 传染病:contact 接触,联系 vt.与...接触,使联系 | contagion 传染(病) | contagious 传染的,有感染力的

contagion 词典解释

1. 接触传染
    Contagion is the spreading of a particular disease by someone touching another person who is already affected by the disease.

    e.g. They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients, in part because of unfounded fears of contagion...
    e.g. I'm a blood donor; I can't risk any contagion.

2. (不良思想、态度、感情等的)传播,蔓延
    You can use contagion to refer to the spreading of ideas, or attitudes, or feelings that you consider to be bad or unacceptable from one group of people to another.


    e.g. He continues to insulate his country from the contagion of foreign ideas.

3. 接触传染病
    A contagion is a contagious disease.


contagion 单语例句

1. The contagion could be more severe than the Lehman collapse in 2008.

2. These programs are needed to limit contagion and restore stability to the eurozone, pending deeper institutional reforms that address fiscal interdependency in the context of monetary union.

3. Commodities investment guru Jim Rogers has stepped into the US subprime fray, predicting a real estate crash that would trigger defaults and spread contagion to emerging markets.

4. In addition to nudging down farmers'income, bird flu contagion also affected related industries such as feed and food processing.

5. Analysts said that if the scheduled summit could not produce any concrete results contagion fears of the crisis could be heightened.

6. And it was German procrastination that aggravated the Greek crisis and caused the contagion that turned it into an existential crisis for Europe.

7. But he cautioned sporadic cases may come out during the rest of the winter and next spring the peak seasons for the contagion.

8. The fear over the contagion of a possible default by Greece has weighed down and unsettled European financial market for months.

9. Flaherty urged eurozone countries to " use their own resources " to build a firewall against contagion and show a strong commitment to action.

10. Aggressive interest rate cuts have not done much to contain the lethal contagion spreading in credit and capital markets.


contagion 英英释义


1. the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people

    e.g. a contagion of mirth
           the infection of his enthusiasm for poetry

    Synonym: infection

2. an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted

    Synonym: infectiontransmission

3. any disease easily transmitted by contact

    Synonym: contagious disease

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