
contemplate是什么意思 contemplate在线翻译 contemplate什么意思 contemplate的意思 contemplate的翻译 contemplate的解释 contemplate的发音

contemplate [ˈkɒntəmpleɪt]  [ˈkɑ:ntəmpleɪt] 


contemplate 基本解释

及物动词注视,凝视; 盘算,计议; 周密考虑


contemplate 相关例句


1. She lay on the grass, contemplating the high, blue sky.

2. Are you contemplating marriage?

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. He contemplated the problem before making a decision.

4. contemplate

4. The young surgeon contemplated the difficult operation of kidney transplant.


1. All day he did nothing but contemplated.

contemplate 网络解释

1. contemplate是什么意思

1. 深思:现在我必须说如果我深思(contemplate):假定有这样的一种科学(能够回答)伦理真的必定是什么,而且这种结果看上去对我很明显的话. 似乎对我来说显而易见的是没有任何一件我们曾思考或说出的东西应该是这种(科学能回答)的事情.

2. 细想:confess坦白 | contemplate细想 | defer拖延

3. contemplate的意思

3. 凝视:contemplable 沉思的 | contemplate 凝视 | contemplation 注视

contemplate 词典解释

1. 考虑;思量;思忖
    If you contemplate an action, you think about whether to do it or not.

    e.g. For a time he contemplated a career as an army medical doctor...
    e.g. She contemplates leaving for the sake of the kids.

2. 深思熟虑;沉思;苦思冥想
    If you contemplate an idea or subject, you think about it carefully for a long time.

    e.g. As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he contemplated his future...
    e.g. That makes it difficult to contemplate the idea that the present policy may not be sustainable.

It is a place of quiet contemplation.

3. 凝视;注视
    If you contemplate something or someone, you look at them for a long time.

    e.g. He contemplated his hands, still frowning.

He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape for a while.

contemplate 单语例句

1. There is a buzz on the ground as people in the city discuss, plan and contemplate the next four years and the work to be done.

2. The event also calls on society to contemplate the future of folk culture, enhance protective social consciousness and rebuild an indestructible spiritual home.

3. He chanted " one more year " to Alonzo Mourning, who'll contemplate retirement.

4. The minister also said that if they fail to entice CAF on their proposal, they might even contemplate forming a splinter organization for the marginalized countries.

5. They could not manage to do that to a very docile nation in 1971, how then can they contemplate crushing a martial race?

6. The government will serve notice of the declaration on the owner on Tuesday, but allow her to contemplate further action within one month.

7. Young men won't contemplate establishing a family until they secure a stable job in a society threatened with high unemployment.

8. In order to promote the country's cuisine in sustainable ways, the concerned authorities must now contemplate new approaches that focus on " software ".

9. It was taken for granted that the Classics provided good mental training for many who would not have to contemplate future occupations.

10. Coalition leaders were huddled in meetings Sunday to contemplate their next step, but they sought to show a united stance.


contemplate 英英释义


1. reflect deeply on a subject

    e.g. I mulled over the events of the afternoon
           philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years
           The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate

    Synonym: chew overthink overmeditateponderexcogitatemusereflectmullmull overruminatespeculate

2. consider as a possibility

    e.g. I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job

3. think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes

    e.g. He is meditating in his study

    Synonym: studymeditate

4. look at thoughtfully
    observe deep in thought

    e.g. contemplate one's navel

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