
contempt是什么意思 contempt在线翻译 contempt什么意思 contempt的意思 contempt的翻译 contempt的解释 contempt的发音 contempt的同义词

contempt [kənˈtempt]  [kənˈtɛmpt] 


contempt 基本解释

名词轻蔑; 轻视; (对规则、危险等的)藐视; 不顾

contempt 同义词

contempt 反义词

contempt 相关词组

1. be beneath contempt : 不值得一顾;

contempt 网络解释

1. 蔑视:图象不错,两条中文和一条英文字幕,声轨方面只有一条英文声道,走碟顺,片长:1:28:407 蔑视(CONTEMPT)碟基不错!白圈非柯式. 法国片,图象不错,中、英、汉三条字幕和法、英两条音轨、一条英文评论音轨. 走碟顺,片长:1:43:268 夏季爱人(SUMMER LOVER)旧包装,

2. contempt在线翻译

2. [轻蔑:<<轻蔑>>(Contempt)法国,1963这部电影我怎么看也看不过瘾,很明显一向很难满足的戈达尔也为此片感到骄傲. 一部伟大的关于电影的电影. 碟片制作得也很完美,从封面的艺术设计到里面的短纪录片,都证明了和碧姬.芭铎这样的偶像人物拍部电影是多么困难.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 鄙视:这种耍小聪明的、装可怜的现象不仅出现在鲁能球员身上,在中国赛场乃至整个亚洲赛场都很普遍,许多人觉得为了比赛结果这样做很正常,甚至说这是聪明的举动,但我鄙视(contempt)这种行为.

contempt 词典解释

1. 鄙视;蔑视;轻视
    If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.

    e.g. He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle...
    e.g. I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves.

2. 同 contempt of court
    Contempt means the same as contempt of court .


    e.g. Mr. Kelly was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt.

3. 鄙视;蔑视;轻视
    If you hold someone or something in contempt, you feel contempt for them.


    e.g. Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians in contempt.

contempt 单语例句

1. Lawmakers could vote to cite witnesses for contempt and refer the matter to the local US attorney to bring before a grand jury.

2. It is the first time in 25 years that a full chamber of Congress has voted on a contempt of Congress citation.

3. The last time a full chamber of Congress voted on a contempt of Congress citation was 1983.

4. For obstinately clinging to his family plot, the farmer became an object of contempt and loathing.

5. Republicans call the whole affair a political game and walked out of the House vote on the contempt citations in protest.

6. In Iraqi culture, throwing shoes at someone is a sign of contempt.

7. Jones declared last week that Young was in contempt for not immediately turning over the tape when deputies initially went to retrieve it from him.

8. In 2004 a judge sentenced the journalists to pay fines on contempt of court charges for refusing to reveal their sources.

9. Whenever a foreign media outlet overly criticizes their motherland they are quick to show their disappointment and contempt.

10. Wahid has long displayed contempt for lawmakers who have moved against him, saying their attempts to oust him are illegal.

contempt 英英释义



1. a willful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority of a court or legislative body

2. a manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous

    Synonym: disrespect

3. open disrespect for a person or thing

    Synonym: scorn

4. lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

    e.g. he was held in contempt
           the despite in which outsiders were held is legendary

    Synonym: disdainscorndespite

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