
contention是什么意思 contention在线翻译 contention什么意思 contention的意思 contention的翻译 contention的解释 contention的发音 contention的同义词

contention [kənˈtenʃn]  [kənˈtɛnʃən] 


contention 基本解释


名词争夺; 论点; 竞争,争论


contention 相关例句


1. My contention is that the scheme will never work.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. The study of English requires effort and contention of mind.

3. It is his contention that taxes are too low.

4. The pay increase is the key point of contention.

5. Columbus's contention that the earth was round turned out to be correct.

contention 网络解释

1. 争夺:天使之翼与其属下的舰只正为了保卫盟友的侦察舰而跟敌人进行激战. 马库斯想起敌人载有行星引擎屏蔽器,便利用布鲁图斯上安装的扫描仪对敌人进行设备扫描. 很快,屏蔽器被查出装在那艘叫争夺(Contention)的驱逐舰上.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 争用:在极低成本达到高频宽、减少争用(contention)的目的. Larrabee L2快取记忆体设计方面,可让各核心以高频宽进行记忆体位址(其他核心未写入的位址)存取,因此被储存在该核心近端L2快取记忆体子集部分(subset)里. 每个核心都能平行存取自己的L2快取记忆体,

3. 竞争:协议采用非申请授予(Unsolicited Grant Service)、轮询(Polling)、竞争(Contention)等频带分配技术的不同组合,定义了5种上行链路过程机制,以减少竞争并最佳满足各用户对带宽和时延的要求.

contention 词典解释

1. (争论或讨论时的)看法,观点
    Someone's contention is the idea or opinion that they are expressing in an argument or discussion.

    e.g. This evidence supports their contention that the outbreak of violence was prearranged.
    e.g. Sufficient research evidence exists to support this contention.

2. 不和;争吵;争执
    If something is a cause of contention, it is a cause of disagreement or argument.

    e.g. They generally tried to avoid subjects of contention between them...
    e.g. A particular source of contention is plans to privatise state-run companies.

3. 有机会获胜
    If you are in contention in a contest, you have a chance of winning it.


    e.g. He was in contention for a place in the European championship squad.

contention 单语例句

1. But that conviction did not sway Democrats, who insisted Kerry was still in contention for Ohio's decisive cache of 20 electoral votes.

2. Even some of the main points of contention between Europe and China are actually rooted in shared interests.

3. International farm subsidies are a central point of contention in the Doha round talks of the World Trade Organization.

4. India is adamant that peace talks should follow an incremental path, covering all issues of bilateral contention rather than concentrating solely on Kashmir.

5. With 64 points still up for grabs in the final two rounds, eight of the 22 competing nations are still mathematically in contention for the prestigious championship.

6. Yasukuni Shrine is a major source of contention between China and Japan.

7. The dual corporate tax structure has long been a subject of contention, and the unification has been hailed as promoting fair competition and simplifying the tax regime.

8. Lara also birdied holes 16 and 17, but five bogeys before that had dropped him out of contention.

9. Xiao repudiates the contention of some officials that too fast paced political reform could lead to chaos in a large country like China.

10. Concerns once overlooked for the sake of national security - including economic ties, human rights and military policies - became major issues of contention.

contention 英英释义



1. the act of competing as for profit or a prize

    e.g. the teams were in fierce contention for first place

    Synonym: competitionrivalry

2. a point asserted as part of an argument

3. a contentious speech act
    a dispute where there is strong disagreement

    e.g. they were involved in a violent argument

    Synonym: controversycontestationdisputationdisceptationtiltargumentarguing

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