
continuous是什么意思 continuous在线翻译 continuous什么意思 continuous的意思 continuous的翻译 continuous的解释 continuous的发音 continuous的同义词

continuous [kənˈtɪnjuəs]  [kənˈtɪnjuəs] 

continuous 基本解释

形容词连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联绵

continuous 相关词组

1. be continuous with : 与...相连, 是...的延续部分;

continuous 相关例句


1. continuous

1. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.

continuous 网络解释

1. continuous什么意思

1. 连续的:电磁波谱频率从低到高为无线电波(含微波)、红外线、可见光、紫外线、X射线和伽马射线,可见光只是电磁波谱中一个很小的部分. 电磁波谱波长有长到数千公里,也有短到只有原子的一小段. 短波长的极限被认为,几乎等于普朗克长度,长波长的极限被认为,等于整个宇宙的大小,虽然原则上,电磁波谱是无限(infinite)而且连续的(continuou

2. 连续型:其重要的属性与行为进行分析,且对各种物件(Objects)与事件拟实验后,所得到的结果可供管理者进行情境分析(What-if analysis)与决策的参考.Banks et al.(1995)指出模拟依时间连续与否,可分为连续型(Continuous)系统与离散型(Discrete)系统两种,

3. continuous的翻译

3. 继续:除了现在或过去,英文动词有三类时态:简单 (simple) ,继续(continuous) 与完成(perfect) .愚见 以为,中国人写英文不要花拳绣腿,卖弄技巧,动词以简 单为妙.可用简单现在(simple present,如 I go)或简 单过去(simple past, 如 I went) ,

4. continuous:cont; 连续的

continuous 词典解释

1. 连续不断的;持续的;不中断的
    A continuous process or event continues for a period of time without stopping.

    e.g. Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.
    e.g. ...all employees who had a record of five years' continuous employment with the firm...

The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976...
It is the oldest continuously inhabited city in America.

2. (线、表面等)连续的,没有间隔的
    A continuous line or surface has no gaps or holes in it.

    e.g. ...a continuous line of boats.
    e.g. ...the continuous frieze of sculpted figures.

3. (动词)进行式的
    In English grammar, continuous verb groups are formed using the auxiliary 'be' and the present participle of a verb, as in 'I'm feeling a bit tired' and 'She had been watching them for some time'. Continuous verb groups are used especially when you are focusing on a particular moment.

continuous 单语例句

1. The continuous popularity of the Chinese language newspapers Reference News by Xinhua News Agency and Global Times by People's Daily is testimonial.

2. " There is nothing in the world that can never be changed We should make continuous efforts to reshape the policy choices of the US ".

3. LVRT refers to the capacity of wind turbines to maintain continuous operation during and after precipitous voltage dips.

4. As long as there's continuous movement it can be called cardio.

5. Major Chinese ports are hopeful that rising domestic trade volumes would help them counter the continuous contractions in cargo throughput for overseas markets.

6. According to bidding requirements the aircraft carrier can only leave Shenzhen after five years of continuous operation.

7. But analysts cast doubt on the government's " continuous " auctions.

8. Continuous rainfalls had caused the road to cave in and curbstones to fall apart at some sections of the road.

9. When you hold up a real bill, the metal line down the center is continuous.

10. China has made continuous efforts to address climate change challenges while maintaining rapid economic growth in recent years.

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