
control board是什么意思 control board在线翻译 control board什么意思 control board的意思 control board的翻译 control board的解释 control board的发音

control board [kənˈtrəul bɔ:d]  [kənˈtrol bɔrd] 

control board 基本解释

control board

名词仪器板; 控制台; 操纵台

control board的翻译

control board 网络解释

1. 控制板:1.台表科为SMT制程专业厂,主要替面板厂客户提供面板控制板(Control Board)的SMT专业服务. 07年最大客户为友达,营收比重约58%,其次是奇美电约28%,第三大客户则为群创. 不过今年以来奇美电占营收比重大幅上升,

2. 操纵台:control assembly 控制装置 | control board 操纵台 | control chamber 控制箱

3. 控制盘:Continuous Process 连续法(工艺) ???? | Control Board 控制盘 ??? | Controller 控制器 ???

4. 控制台:control block 控制程序块 | control board 控制台 | control button 操纵按钮

control board 单语例句

1. Customers can also choose wood or aluminum trim for the central control board.

2. The Central Pollution Control Board of Delhi has suggested two explanations for what it calls " the smoke phenomenon ".

3. Both sides presented their arguments to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board which will decide the fate of the proposal before the end of the year.

4. UEFA announced the fines on Thursday after a meeting of the organisation's control and disciplinary board.

5. Microsoft has said it might consider making another bid for all of Yahoo if Icahn gains control of the board.

6. For people who control the company board, stealing its profit by pointing fingers to the Wall Street makes them appear like victims.

7. In the meantime, food safety and traffic control programs are already on the drawing board.

8. Police on Wednesday seized control of the IFA's offices after its governing board was dissolved on charges of links to former president Saddam Hussein.

9. Viterra said in January it expects to increase grain volumes and earnings after the board's control of supplies ends.

10. Communication on board and with ground control is no problem as all aviation staff must speak English.

control board 英英释义



1. electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices

    e.g. he checked the instrument panel
           suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree

    Synonym: control panelinstrument panelboardpanel

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