
controller是什么意思 controller在线翻译 controller什么意思 controller的意思 controller的翻译 controller的解释 controller的发音 controller的同义词

controller [kənˈtrəʊlə(r)]  [kənˈtroʊlə(r)] 


controller 基本解释

名词管理者; 控制者; (机器的)控制器; (公司的)财务总管

controller 相关例句


1. controller在线翻译

1. The new student received a letter from the controller's office regarding her tuition.

2. controller

2. Who is the controller of this building?

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Before each voyage, the crew made sure that everything was in order including the controllers.

4. Please press the controller to turn the machine on.

5. It is known to all that a controller's job is very stressful.

controller 网络解释

1. 财务主管:出具审计报告;验证企业资本,出具验资报告;办理企业合并、分立、清算事宜中的审计业务,出具有关的报告;法律、行政法规规定对于距离首席财务官(CFO)的位置只有一步之遥的财务主管(Controller)们来说:如果他们想在本公司内部升任为CFO,

2. 调节器:弗里德曼敏锐察觉到,调节器(controller)也可以翻译成控制器. 当一只狗都可以提出自己的生活意见时,你的智能终端也很可能忍不住要对你的生活发表看法. 尽管你把空调最佳温度设置到26度,它也会坚持认为30度更有利于你的健康,

3. 管理员:1.授权的基本类型 (1)管理员型 使用管理员(Controller)授权方式的人会详细地制定工作执行计划. 他们下达确定的指令,密切地监视工作进程. 这意味着要告知每个人在每一阶段的工作任务. 他不允许职工在工作完成方式上有任何自由度.

4. controller:cont; 控制器

controller 词典解释

1. 控制者;管理者;指挥者
    A controller is a person who has responsibility for a particular organization or for a particular part of an organization.

    e.g. ...the job of controller of BBC 1.
    e.g. ...the financial controller of W H Smith.

2. 同 comptroller
    A controller is the same as a comptroller .

controller 单语例句

1. The chief financial controller of Hong Kong airport said the airport had not decided how big a stake it wants to own.

2. " Most of the coastal communities in Gisborne evacuated, " regional civil defence controller Richard Steele told national radio.

3. He got out his flight checklists, manuals and cockpit layout sheets and issued instructions to the controller.

4. Sorenson got out his flight checklists, manuals and cockpit layout sheets and issued instructions to the controller.

5. On his office desk lay two dismembered Wii Remotes, the wireless controller of the popular Wii game console that Liu bought for research.

6. She said the pilot of the medical flight and airport staff had tried to contact the controller multiple times without success.

7. A minute later, the controller tries to contact the plane but hears no response.

8. The deputy controller said TVB will pay an employee extra for undertaking jobs the company assigned outside the terms of his employment contract.

9. The Kinect enables users to control and interact with the device without the need for a game controller.

10. Li joins Baidu from General Motors Acceptance Corp, where she served as controller of the company's North American operations.

controller 英英释义



1. a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine

    e.g. the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly
           I turned the controls over to her

    Synonym: control

2. someone who maintains and audits business accounts

    Synonym: accountantcomptroller

3. a person who directs and restrains

    Synonym: restrainer

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