
converge是什么意思 converge在线翻译 converge什么意思 converge的意思 converge的翻译 converge的解释 converge的发音 converge的同义词

converge [kənˈvɜ:dʒ]  [kənˈvɜ:rdʒ] 


converge 基本解释

不及物动词聚集; (线条、运动的物体等)会于一点; 人或车辆汇集


converge 相关例句


1. She and her husband both converged upon the caller.

2. These lines converge at a certain point.

3. The two armies converged on the enemy capital for the last battle of the war.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Parallel lines converge at infinity.

converge 网络解释

1. 收敛:迭代(Numerical Iteration)过程未能收敛(Converge)等,都是可能的计算误差来源.CAE工程师应具备足够的物理观念与经验去区分特殊的分析结果是数值误差所导致的人为产物(Artifact)或是真实可能会出现的物理现象.在建构几何模型上,

2. 聚合:提供给手机用户定制和浏览. 当RSS信息源更新时,系统将自动通知用户. RSS技术将传统的逐个站点浏览方式变为定制(Personalize)-聚合(Converge)-推送(Push)的浏览方式,极大方便了手机用户取和浏览信息.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 汇合:在实际的设计过程中,计算压力而去预测是否会发生皱褶,是一件极困难的是. 在加工过程中的流动方向,进而推断是否有局部多余的材料. 如果材料之流动模式系几个流动方向汇合(Converge)成一个流动方向,则该部位具有产生皱褶的可能.

4. 汇聚:汇接路由器可以被视为汇接交换机;根据容量规划的结果,其中某些被指定为核心路由器. 域边界路由器被视为长途交换机. 路由器间的标记交换路径(LSP)可以被视为中继(trunk),在汇接路由器处完成加入(joint)及汇聚(converge).

converge 词典解释

1. 汇集;集中;聚集
    If people or vehicles converge on a place, they move towards it from different directions.

    e.g. Competitors from more than a hundred countries have converged on Sheffield for the Games...
    e.g. Hundreds of coaches will converge on the capital.

2. (路、线等)交会,交叉,汇合
    If roads or lines converge, they meet or join at a particular place.

    e.g. As they flow south, the five rivers converge.

3. (不同的思想、社会等)趋同,趋于一致,融合
    If different ideas or societies converge, they stop being different and become similar to each other.

    e.g. Speeches delivered by Mr Dewar and Mr Wallace indicated their views were converging...
    e.g. The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus.

converge 单语例句

1. It was expected to converge on a square outside Taipei's main railway station by the end of the march.

2. Thousands of gay and lesbian activists were expected to converge on the White House and Capitol yesterday demanding civil rights protections in all 50 states.

3. These could theoretically lead normally tolerable diseases to converge and trigger multiple outbreaks of epidemics with catastrophic mortality.

4. The cauldron's long, elegant stems gently rise towards each other and converge to form one great flame.

5. Cheng said enhanced cooperation is the " only choice " as the two neighboring emerging economies share " interests that converge ".

6. Volunteers and companies from across the country will converge in the Tibetan autonomous region to clean up debris that has accumulated on the Himalayan mountain.

7. The multidimensional tale illustrates the importance of communication and interdependency when people from different cultures and languages converge.

8. Within the county borders, the Meijiang River and Tingjiang River converge into Hanjiang River.

9. But the reality is that both should converge toward intermediate levels of consumption, largely decoupling from harmful emissions and wasteful production techniques.

10. Time and again Ross finds an event that expresses a larger movement - a person or a scene in which tendencies and meanings converge.

converge 英英释义


1. come together so as to form a single product

    e.g. Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power

2. move or draw together at a certain location

    e.g. The crowd converged on the movie star

3. be adjacent or come together

    e.g. The lines converge at this point

    Synonym: meet

4. approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit

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