
convey是什么意思 convey在线翻译 convey什么意思 convey的意思 convey的翻译 convey的解释 convey的发音 convey的同义词 convey的反义词 convey的例句

convey [kənˈveɪ]  [kənˈve] 


convey 基本解释

及物动词表达; 传达,传递; 运送,输送; [法]让与,转让(财产等)


convey 相关例句


1. The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son.

2. convey

2. I found it hard to convey my feelings in words.

3. Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.

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4. A wire conveys an electric current.

5. The truck conveyed machinery across the country.

convey 网络解释

1. 搬运:在患者这方,被激活的病态的理想化的自身,投射到分析师身上[9].搬运(convey)来一种印象,在这间房里只有一个理想的无所不能的人和一个影子式的,赞美的补充物.

convey 词典解释

1. 传达;表达;传递
    To convey information or feelings means to cause them to be known or understood by someone.


    e.g. When I returned home, I tried to convey the wonder of this machine to my husband...
    e.g. In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy...

2. 运输;运送;输送
    To convey someone or something to a place means to carry or transport them there.

    e.g. The railway company extended a branch line to Brightlingsea to convey fish direct to Billingsgate.

convey 单语例句

1. For those who are less fit, three cable car routes can convey you up the hill sides.

2. The Sun and Deified Birds convey a kind of cohesive and centripetal force, reflecting the upward spiritual strength of the Chinese nation.

3. The most important message he wants to convey is to cherish what you have now instead of regretting what has been lost.

4. There are many hotels and restaurants in the capital city that are so classy, five stars don't really convey their character.

5. The new code of conduct tries to convey the same principle in more mundane ways that suit the times.

6. The artists are all of different ages and generally adopt vivid color schemes, while monotones convey coolness and indifference.

7. They convey the liveliness of the season with vivid color schemes, joyous imagery and exaggerated expressions.

8. McCormack declined to say how Washington would convey its response to the European concerns, whether it would be a formal statement or come through Rice's discussions.

9. We convey our deepest sympathies and condolences to the victims and the people of Spain, and express our strongest condemnation and opposition to this inhuman act.

10. The leaders also asked the SAR government to convey the central government's condolences to relatives of the victims and consolation to the injured tourists.

convey 英英释义


1. make known
    pass on, of information

    e.g. She conveyed the message to me

2. serve as a means for expressing something

    e.g. The painting of Mary carries motherly love
           His voice carried a lot of anger

    Synonym: carryexpress

3. go or come after and bring or take back

    e.g. Get me those books over there, please
           Could you bring the wine?
           The dog fetched the hat

    Synonym: bringgetfetch

4. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere

    e.g. Bring me the box from the other room
           Take these letters to the boss
           This brings me to the main point

    Synonym: bringtake

5. transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

    e.g. Sound carries well over water
           The airwaves carry the sound
           Many metals conduct heat

    Synonym: impartconducttransmitcarrychannel

6. transmit a title or property

7. transfer to another

    e.g. communicate a disease

    Synonym: transmitcommunicate

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