
cooperate是什么意思 cooperate在线翻译 cooperate什么意思 cooperate的意思 cooperate的翻译 cooperate的解释 cooperate的发音 cooperate的同义词

cooperate [kəʊ'ɒpəreɪt]  [koˈɑpəˌret] 


cooperate 基本解释


动词合群; 互助; 结合

cooperate 相关例句


1. Let's all cooperate to get the work done quickly.

2. If we all cooperate, we'll soon finish.

3. They would not cooperate with him.

cooperate 网络解释

1. 合作:首先,我们需要精确定义关于代理的各种概念,如知识(knowledge)、信念(belief)、愿望(desire)、意图(intention)等,以及一些更复杂的和带有感情色彩的概念,如:协调(coordinate)、合作(cooperate)、谈判(negotiation)等,然后对有关推理问题进行研究.

2. 协作:A发展(advance) 发展就是目标C协作(cooperate)事成于和睦,力生于团结T专业(technical) 专业技术,专业服务I诚信(integrity)诚信比一切智谋更好O超越(overstep) 超越对手,超越自我N 睿智(nimble) 睿智是一种境界

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 配合:过去,由于医疗纠纷案件没有实行举证责任倒置,患方在调查取证的过程中,往往遇到医疗机构不配合(cooperate)的情况,使取证的难度增大,证据的不足使患方难以胜诉(recover),造成患方有理说不清事实上也无法说清的情形.

4. 合作,协同:convulse 痉挛,抽搐,震撼,使不安 | cooperate 合作,协同 | coordinate 同等的

cooperate 单语例句

1. Li said he would cooperate in the investigation and expected to reopen his business when policies permit.

2. Li said he would cooperate the industrial and commercial authorities'investigation and expected to reopen his business when policies permit.

3. Erdogan spoke on Saturday with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon by telephone, agreeing to cooperate in the fight on terrorism.

4. He said the PLA Garrison would fully cooperate with the police and the judiciary, while that officer would be subject to disciplinary action based on military rules.

5. China's foreign minister on Tuesday called on Iran to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency to settle the dispute over its nuclear program.

6. The fact is that Washington has no choice but to cooperate with Beijing, though it cannot help trying to contain China.

7. We actively cooperate with the other forum member economies in elaborating joint steps to cut off financial channels feeding terrorists and to counter corruption.

8. Marine management institutions should cooperate with other departments to improve monitoring and supervision over the activity of ships and pollution caused by them.

9. They plan to cooperate and carry out exchanges including constructing information networks and investing in environment promotion activities to facilitate industrial connection and transfer.

10. Police vowed that they will cooperate with prosecuting authorities to investigate and deal with the case in accordance with the law.


cooperate 英英释义



1. work together on a common enterprise of project

    e.g. The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well
           We joined forces with another research group

    Synonym: collaboratejoin forcesget together

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