
coordination是什么意思 coordination在线翻译 coordination什么意思 coordination的意思 coordination的翻译 coordination的解释 coordination的发音

coordination [kəʊˌɔ:dɪˈneɪʃn]  [koʊˌɔ:rdɪˈneɪʃn] 

coordination 基本解释


名词协调; 和谐

coordination 相关例句


1. These dancers have poor coordination.

coordination 网络解释

1. 配位:他在总结了前人研究成果的基础上,于1893年提出了一个称之为配位(coordination)理论的学说,终于找到了问题症结. 在1893年后的25年中,他不断发展了从配位理论中得出的重要原理和结论. 在此期间,他设计了特别的实验,

2. 调整:一个多代理系统基本集中在调整(coordination)作为一个交换作用的形式,这对于全局的成就和任务的完成是十分重要的. 调整的目的是获得和避免被一个和多个代理认为满意(或不满意)状态. 为了调整它们的目标和任务,代理不得不清晰接受从属地位.

3. 协作:所以,一些学者试图用建立在社会协作(coordination)与伙伴关系(partnership)基础之上的互进论(theoryofmutualadvance)来为宪法和宪政提供一种解释性的理论.

coordination 单语例句

1. Shenzhen Customs said on Monday it busted a luxury goods smuggling gang in coordination with Shenzhen police and Hangzhou Customs in Zhejiang province.

2. An hour later, the sailors received a phone call from the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center.

3. Prominence is given to such tasks as rapid mobilization of specialized detachments, coordination with active units and operations in complex electromagnetic environments.

4. He said efforts should be made to improve coordination mechanism of different police departments, strengthen international police cooperation and enhance the capability of precise crackdown of crimes.

5. The Interior Ministry said " terrorists have carried out this attack in coordination and consultation with some of the active intelligence circles in the region ".

6. Without cooperation and coordination from the world's two largest oil importers, it is impossible to curb the global carbon emission.

7. All should take common responsibilities in this process and carry out unblocked coordination of their stances instead of being manipulated by any single superpower.

8. China welfare lottery distribution and management center Saturday signed an agreement over details of the distribution in Shanghai with Shanghai World Expo Affairs Coordination Bureau.

9. China's central bank will keep the yuan's exchange rate relatively stable this year and deepen coordination with other countries on major policy issues.

10. The involvement of so many authorities causes problems of coordination from enactment to enforcement, which enables some food producers to circumvent the laws.

coordination 英英释义


1. the regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation

2. being of coordinate importance, rank, or degree

3. the skillful and effective interaction of movements

4. the grammatical relation of two constituents having the same grammatical form

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