
coriander是什么意思 coriander在线翻译 coriander什么意思 coriander的意思 coriander的翻译 coriander的解释 coriander的发音 coriander的同义词

coriander [ˌkɒriˈændə(r)]  [ˌkɔ:riˈændə(r)] 

coriander 基本解释


coriander 网络解释

1. coriander

1. 香菜:羊肩肉 (lamb shoulder) 1000g,洗净后用厨纸吸干水分,用剔骨刀剔掉白皮 (silver skin) 和脂肪后,切2cm见方的块橄榄油 (olive oil) 85g香菜 (coriander) 少许,切成香菜碎盐 (salt) 少许4) 挤入新鲜的柠檬汁,加盐和胡椒调味.

2. coriander

2. 芫荽:(二)賦香作用 賦香作用為香料最原始的作用,可配合食物材料,賦予令人愉快的香味.若同時混合數種賦香香料來使用則更加,有此作用的香料有:百味胡椒(Allspice),大茴香(Anise),羅勒(Basil),丁香(Clove),小荳蔻(Cardamon),芫荽(Coriander),蒔蘿(Dill),

3. 胡荽:无色素 胡荽(CORIANDER)萃取精华(CORIANDER) 原产于欧洲东部及地中海东部沿岸的芹科植物的果质,自古以来便作为生药使用,而于化妆品上,经常作为育毛剂添加于头皮用的品项中,经证实具有活化毛根细胞、抑制男性荷尔蒙活化、及保湿等头皮柔软效果.

4. coriander的反义词

4. 香菜粉:材料:牛油果1个、红皮洋葱1个、西红柿1个、柠檬汁5小勺、蒜1瓣、酸奶油、沙拉酱(Mayonnaise) 调料:盐、胡椒粉、辣椒粉、香菜粉(Coriander)、孜然粉(Cumin)、小香葱(Chives) 做法: 先把牛油果去皮去核碾碎,再把红皮洋葱、西红柿切碎,放在一起搅拌.

coriander 词典解释

1. 芫荽;香菜
    Coriander is a plant with seeds that are used as a spice and leaves that are used as a herb.

coriander 单语例句


1. Add a small bunch of fresh coriander leaves at the time of usage.

2. One of his favorite finds is a herb which " looks like a chive but tastes like coriander ".

3. Coriander is the most recognizable taste in any Vietnamese soup and it was nice to see the restaurant using more of the herb than before.

4. Mix the cubed pork and fat into the minced mixture, sprinkle the chopped rosemary and coriander leaves as you mix.

5. The cooked meats are then dipped in a spicy sesame sauce that will often contain lots of coriander and flowering chives.

6. Its basic ingredient is wheat gluten, mixed with sliced kelp and coriander leaves that give extra flavor.

7. Sprinkle over some toasted sunflower seeds and coriander leaves and dress with lemon juice and olive oil.

8. Place a coriander leaf and a couple of slices of chili on the parchment or baking paper.

9. The braised donkey stuffing is chopped fine, and mixed with refreshing coriander or green pepper.

10. Don't eat beforehand as curry, coriander or even a coffee can throw your olfactory senses.


coriander 英英释义


1. parsley-like herb used as seasoning or garnish

    Synonym: Chinese parsleycilantro

2. dried coriander seeds used whole or ground

    Synonym: coriander seed

3. Old World herb with aromatic leaves and seed resembling parsley

    Synonym: coriander plantChinese parsleycilantroCoriandrum sativum

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