
cork是什么意思 cork在线翻译 cork什么意思 cork的意思 cork的翻译 cork的解释 cork的发音 cork的同义词 cork的反义词 cork的例句 cork的相关词组

cork [kɔ:k]  [kɔ:rk] 


cork 基本解释


名词软木; 软木塞; (钓鱼用)软木浮子; [植]外皮

及物动词抑制,压制(感情); 用软木塞塞住; (滑稽歌剧化妆中)用软木炭把脸涂黑


cork 相关词组

1. bob up like a cork : 东山再起;

2. like a cork : 突然出现;

cork 相关例句


1. He managed to cork up his feelings while his guests were in the room.


1. Cork can float on water.

2. The cork flew off with a pop.

cork 网络解释

1. 软木:人工合成的软材料:这类材料包括油毡布(linoleum)、聚乙烯薄膜(vinyl)、软木(cork)、橡胶(rubber)、皮革(leather)和金属(metal). 油毡布被认为是一种温暖、坚实而且美观的材料,并且对容易过敏和有哮喘的人没有影响,很容易清洁、容易铺,

2. 软木塞:才能成就敏锐的嗅觉和味觉.品酒同时也是一 种很好的脑神经激素运动,可同时动用你的视觉,触觉,嗅觉,味觉以及感觉来促进脑细胞的增长, 有助于保持年轻活力,延缓老化.品酒五要 ◎SEE 看(视觉) -酒标(Label) -软木塞(Cork) -清澈度(Cle

3. 科克:我还得沿佛斯路 (Falls Road)往回走,走回市中心爱尔兰岛由19世纪就开始争取自以英格兰为主的联合王国 (United Kingdom)独立像是南部第一大城 (也是爱尔兰第二大城) 科克 (Cork)就没机会去本来该是昨天离开,

4. 木栓:植物进入次生生长时,表皮由周皮(periderm)所替代,主要成分木栓(cork)细胞是死的,细胞壁栓质化,主要是软木脂、脂肪物质,不透气,不透水,对植物体起着有力的保护.

cork 词典解释

1. 木栓,软木(一种地中海树皮)
    Cork is a soft, light substance which forms the bark of a type of Mediterranean tree.


    e.g. ...cork floors.
    e.g. ...cork-soled clogs.

2. 软木塞;塑料瓶塞
    A cork is a piece of cork or plastic that is pushed into the opening of a bottle to close it.

cork 单语例句

1. The cork looked all right but crumbled like ash from a cigar as soon as the corkscrew entered.

2. The commission has also now begun an investigation into the Diocese of Cloyne, in County Cork.

3. Also be sure to take a picture with the pavilion's cork walls at night.

4. Cork Airport's runway has been closed and all incoming flights are being diverted to Shannon, the larger airport in southwest Ireland.

5. From reds to whites to sparkling wines, companies are slowly turning away from putting a cork in.

6. Enforcement of a new law trying to put the cork in the country's drinking culture has so far come up dry.

7. Less oxygen enters through the tube and its spout than a bottle whose cork has been popped.

8. An auction spokesman said the sale came despite the bottle's cork dropping into the whisky itself.

9. Many of the structures celebrated native materials - bamboo for India, cork for Portugal.

10. One of the cork's drawbacks is that it doesn't perfectly seal the bottle opening and protect the wine.


cork 英英释义



1. a small float usually made of cork
    attached to a fishing line

    Synonym: bobbobberbobfloat

2. the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle)

    Synonym: bottle cork

3. outer bark of the cork oak
    used for stoppers for bottles etc.

4. (botany) outer tissue of bark
    a protective layer of dead cells

    Synonym: phellem


1. stuff with cork

    e.g. The baseball player stuffed his bat with cork to make it lighter

2. close a bottle with a cork

    Synonym: cork up

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